2018-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

A Brief Guide to Course Descriptions

Each program described in this catalog contains detailed descriptions of the courses offered within the program.

The first line gives the official course number for which students must register and the official course title. The letters indicate the discipline of the course and the first number of the official course numbers indicates the level of the course. The levels are as follows:

  • 1XXX - Freshman Level
  • 2XXX - Sophomore Level
  • 3XXX - Junior Level
  • 4XXX - Senior Level
  • 5XXX to 9XXX - Graduate level

Typically the last number of the course number indicates the number of credits. The breakdown of periods of the course is also listed.

When selecting a course for registration, the section of the course may include the following notations:

  • “LEC” - lecture section
  • “RCT” or “RC” - recitation section
  • “LAB” or “LB” - lab section

Additionally, any other letter or digit listed in the section will further identify the section and being liked to another section of the class with the same letter and/or digit combination. Further information on sections is available from academic advisers during registration periods.

The paragraph description briefly indicates the contents and coverage of the course. A detailed course syllabus may be available by request from the office of the offering department.

“Prerequisites” are courses (or their equivalents) that must be completed before registering for the described course. “Co-requisites” are courses taken concurrently with the described course.

The notation “Also listed…” indicates that the course is also given under the number shown. This means that two or more departments or programs sponsor the described course and that students may register under either number, usually the one representing the student’s major program. Classes are jointly delivered.


Digital Media

  • DM-UY 3213 Computer Music Studio

    3 Credits
    This composition-studio course aims to have each student generate music using algorithmic procedures. The studio will explore algorithmic thinking in music dating from the distant past to the present in pre-compositional and performance situations. Participants listen to a broad repertoire and learn to use a wide variety of algorithmic techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year writing requirements and DM-UY 1113 .
  • DM-UY 4001 Special Topics in IDM

    1 Credits
    A one-credit, special topics course that can be taken in conjunction with a DM studio when a student needs additional assistance and additional coursework for a studio. Departmental Consent required.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • DM-UY 4003 Senior Project in Digital Media

    3 Credits
    This research/production project is completed in the final term under faculty guidance. Before the project begins, the student, instructor and program director agree on topic, approach and schedule. This studio/seminar is the capstone for DM students. Students conduct a thesis-quality design and production supervised by a faculty member active in the relevant field. Where appropriate and by special agreement, students may receive supplementary guidance from faculty in another department.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of adviser.
  • DM-UY 4034 Internship

    4 Credits
    Students may undertake an internship for academic credit with an appropriate private, public, or non-profit agency or firm.  The internship is an opportunity to extend learning outside of the classroom into a real world setting, and to explore career options tied to the major.  Students complete 140 hours at the internship site and attend occasional class meetings.  The course involves completing a learning contract, regular reflections, assignments, and a final presentation. 

    Prerequisite(s): IDM/SUE/STS majors only.  Permission of instructor required.
  • DM-UY 4113 Sound Studio 3

    3 Credits
    This course provides students the flexibility to undertake a sustained creative project. The genres developed and discussed are contemporary and intended to inform a professional-level studio practice for students committed to advancing the field, critically and creatively. Seminars led by an active practitioner culminate in the production of a public presentation.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 3113 .
  • DM-UY 4123 Experimental Cinema

    3 Credits
    This course provides an overview of experimental film and video history and theory, centered on hands-on production. The course will include readings, workshops, screenings, discussions, assignments, critiques, and technical instruction around cinema as a radical practice, and the ways in which computing techniques can be leveraged for new forms of expression in the moving image. Students will study and experiment with cutting-edge techniques in cinematic production such as motion capture, 3D (stereo, depth) filmmaking, and interactive / performative cinema.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 2263 

  • DM-UY 4133 3D for Interactive Applications

    3 Credits
    In this course students will build form the skills they learned in 3D Modeling and 3D Animation to produce 3D for Interactive Applications. Projects may be geared to scientific, engineering or entertainment applications according to individual skills and professional aspirations.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 3133 .
  • DM-UY 4143 Interaction Design Studio 3

    3 Credits
    People think of human-computer interaction as sitting in front of a monitor and using a mouse and keyboard to manipulate onscreen visual elements. In this unnatural, asymmetric interaction, humans communicate using physical input while the computer communicates visually. This model greatly restricts the possibilities. In this studio, students develop a project based on other modes of human-computer interaction, individually or within a small group, and regularly present work for class discussion and criticism.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 3143 .
  • DM-UY 4153 Experimental Game Narratives

    3 Credits
    How do games tell stories? How can we move beyond the traditional narrative in games? Is there a more holistic approach that embeds the story deeply into the interaction? In this class, students will begin to answer these questions by analyzing games and developing their own experimental narrative games.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 2153 
  • DM-UY 4173 Professional Practices

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to the fundamental skills and professional practices vital to pursuing a career within a range of creative fields and industries. Students will explore strategies for effective documentation and presentation of their creative work, the art of self-promotion and exhibiting work publicly in various forms and environments, as well as networking and career preparation.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior Standing.
  • DM-UY 4193 Mobile Application Development

    3 Credits
    Today’s applications are increasingly mobile. This course teaches students how to build mobile apps for Android or iOS devices, as well as how to deploy them in app stores. The history of mobile computing is also explored.

    Prerequisite(s): DM-UY 2193 

  • DM-UY 4903-6 Undergraduate Thesis, Digital Media

    3 Credits
    The undergraduate thesis allows students to apply knowledge gained in their major field and use it to plan, conduct and report original research. The thesis may be a discourse on a subject in students’ courses of study, an original investigation or research account, a report on a project, or an explanatory statement of an original design. All undergraduate students who plan to do a thesis should meet with the program director about topic choices at least one year before graduation. Department heads approve requests and appoint a thesis adviser. Students must register for the thesis course every fall and spring semester until it is completed and accepted.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of adviser.
  • DM-UY 4911-3 Special Topics in Digital Media

    3 Credits
    This course, completed under the DM faculty guidance, may be repeated for credit on a different topic. By special permission of the program director, this course may be offered from time to time in subjects relevant to, but not regularly offered by, the Digital Media program. to suggest a subject, students must file a course syllabus or proposal with the program office.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of adviser.


  • EC-UY 2524 Managerial Microeconomics

    4 Credits

    An advanced course in microeconomics for students with appropriate mathematical background.  This course presents microeconomic analysis and its application to business decision making.  Fundamentals of the Theory of the Firm, the Theory of the Consumer and market structure and competition are presented, including both theoretical models and quantitative analysis techniques.  Advanced topics in information asymmetries and externalities are presented.

    Required for students in the BTM Program. 

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 1252 Calculus for Business and Life Sciences IIA  
    Note: Does not satisfy general education requirements in humanities and social sciences. Offered and administered by Department of Technology Management and Innovation.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0

Electrical Engineering

  • ECE-UY 116 Communication Electronics

    3 Credits
    The course centers on design and analysis of small-signal and large-signal tuned amplifiers, sine-wave oscillators, mixers, AM modulators and demodulators, FM modulators and demodulators, phase-locked loops.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3124 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 371 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    1 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 372 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    2 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 373 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 374 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    4 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 375 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    5 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 376 Guided Studies in Electrical Engineering

    6 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Electrical Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 381 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    1 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 382 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    2 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 383 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    3 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 384 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    4 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 385 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    5 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 386 Guided Studies in Computer Engineering

    6 Credits
    Guided study under the guidance of a faculty member of a topic related to Computer Engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser approval.
  • ECE-UY 397 Senior Thesis

    As arranged Credits
    IIndependent design-oriented engineering project preformed under guidance of faculty adviser. Oral thesis defense and formal, bound thesis volume required. Registration of at least 6 credits required.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior status and adviser approval.
    Note: Credits: variable.

  • ECE-UY 442x Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    1-4 Credits
    This course covers topics of special interest in electrical engineering to promote exposure to emerging issues in electrical engineering not covered in the program’s normal course offerings.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor Approval
  • ECE-UY 1002 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

    2 Credits
    This course introduces numerous subject areas in Electrical and Computer Engineering (power systems, electronics, computer networking, microprocessors, digital logic, embedded systems, communications, feedback control, and signal processing). Through a series of case studies and examples, the course demonstrates how each subject area applies to practical, real-world systems and devices and discusses how the areas interact with each other to implement a complete functioning system or device. Students make presentations in teams on case studies based on articles from the IEEE Spectrum Magazine and other sources. The IEEE Code of Ethics and ethics-related issues are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): First-year standing
    Note: ABET competencies: i, h.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 1012 Introduction to Computer Engineering

    2 Credits
    This course helps students to understand computer engineering as a balance among hardware, software, applications and theory, the notion of abstraction, computer layers and how they relate to various aspects of computer engineering, implementation of abstract and physical computer layers: Number systems, digital logic, basic processor structure, instruction set architecture, machine languages, assembly languages and high-level programming in C. Other computer concepts, including compilers, operating systems and algorithms, are presented, along with the simulator concept and its usage for understanding computer design, testing and analysis. Experts present special topics in the area. Also discussed are invention, innovation, entrepreneurship and ethics in these topics and in Computer Engineering.

    Also listed under: Also listed under CS-UY 1012 .
    Note: ABET competencies e, h, j.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 2004 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    4 Credits
    Fundamentals of Circuits includes circuit modeling and analysis techniques for AC, DC and transient responses. Independent and dependent sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors are modeled. Analysis techniques include Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, current and voltage division. Thevenin and Norton theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, and superposition. Natural and forced responses for RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response and complex voltage and current (phasors) are analyzed. Alternate-week laboratory. A minimum of C- is required for students majoring in EE. Objective: fundamental knowledge of DC and AC circuit analysis.

    Corequisite(s): MA-UY 2034  and PH-UY 2023  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4
  • ECE-UY 2013 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits I

    3 Credits
    This course covers Passive DC circuit elements, Kirchoff ‘s laws, electric power calculations, analysis of DC circuits, Nodal and Loop analysis techniques, voltage and current division, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, and source-free and forced responses of RL, RC and RLC circuits. A minimum of C- is required to take other EE courses.

    Prerequisite(s): SCIEN-AD 110, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121 (for Abu Dhabi Students) Corequisite(s): MA-UY 2034   and PH-UY 2023  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students)
    Note: ABET competencies a, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 2024 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits II

    4 Credits
    The course continues ECE-UY 2013  and focuses on sinusoidal steady-state response; complex voltage and current and the phasor concept; impedance and admittance; average, apparent and reactive power; polyphase circuits; node and mesh analysis for AC circuits; use of MATLAB for solving circuit equations; frequency response; parallel and series esonance; and operational amplifier circuits. A laboratory meets on alternate weeks. A minimum of C- is required to take other EE courses.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2013  with C or better grade.
    Note: ABET competencies a, b, c, d, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 2233 Introduction to Probability

    3 Credits
    Standard first course in probability, recommended for those planning further work in probability or statistics. Probability of events, random variables and expectations, discrete and continuous distribution, joint and conditional distribution, moment generating functions, central limit theorem.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 109, MA-UY 2112  , OR MA-UY 2114  . Note: Not open to students who have taken MA-UY 3012  or MA-UY 3022  .
    Also listed under: MA-UY 2233  
  • ECE-UY 2613 Fundamentals of Electric Power Engineering for Non EE Students

    3 Credits
    Introduction to electricity: current, voltage and electrical power. Ohm’s Law. Kirchhoff ‘s Laws. Electrical materials. Electrical energy generation process. Principles of AC. Bulk electrical power generation: hydroelectricity and thermoelectricity. Alternative generation sources. Synchronous Generators. Induction Motors. Transmission and distribution systems. Substations and transformers. Low-voltage networks. Industrial, commercial and residential networks and loads. Short circuit and protection equipment. Relays and circuit breakers. Power quality. Reliability and blackouts. Physiological effects of electric currents in the human body. Exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields. National Electric Code (NEC). ANSI-IEEE Standards. IEC standards. Certification of electrical products compliance.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 1024 , MA-UY 1124 , and PH-UY 1013 . Corequisite(s): PH-UY 2023 .
    Note: ABET competencies a, d, h i, j.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3054 Signals and Systems

    4 Credits
    This course centers on linear system theory for analog and digital systems; linearity, causality and time invariance; impulse response, convolution and stability; the Laplace, z- transforms and applications to Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems; frequency response, analog and digital filter design. Topics also include Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms and the sampling theorem. Weekly computer-laboratory projects use analysis- and design-computer packages. The course establishes foundations of linear systems theory needed in future courses; use of math packages to solve problems and simulate systems; and analog and digital filter design.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 2012  / MA-UY 2132  or MA-UY 2034  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students) OR ENGR-AD 214, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121 (for Abu Dhabi Students) OR EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better), MATH-SHU 124, and MATH-SHU 140 (for Shanghai Students).
    Note: ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 3064 Feedback Control

    4 Credits
    This course introduces analysis and design of linear feedback-control systems; modeling of physical systems, performance specifications, sensitivity and steady-state error; Routh- Hurwitz and Nyquist Stability tests; the use of Root Locus and frequency-response techniques to analyze system performance and design compensation (lead/lag and PID controllers) to meet performance specifications. Students analyze and design control systems using math packages in the alternate-week computer laboratory. The course establishes the foundation of feedback-control theory for use in more advanced courses; introduces control-systems design concepts and practices; and develops facility with computer design packages for design and simulation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3054  (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students) or EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51 (for Shanghai Students)
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, g, i, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3114 Fundamentals of Electronics I

    4 Credits
    This course focuses on circuit models and amplifier frequency response, op-amps, difference amplifier, voltage-to-current converter, slew rate, full-power bandwidth, common-mode rejection, frequency response of closed-loop amplifier, gain-bandwidth product rule, diodes, limiters, clamps and semiconductor physics. Other topics include Bipolar Junction Transistors; small-signal models, cut-off, saturation and active regions; common emitter, common base and emitter- follower amplifier configurations; Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFET and JFET); biasing; small-signal models; common-source and common gate amplifiers; and integrated circuit MOS amplifiers. The alternate-week laboratory experiments on OP-AMP applications, BJT biasing, large signal operation and FET characteristics. The course studies design and analysis of operational amplifiers; small-signal bipolar junction transistor and field-effect transistor amplifiers; diode circuits; differential pair amplifiers and semiconductor device- physics fundamentals.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2004  or ECE-UY 2024  (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students) OR ENGR-AD 214 and SCIEN-AD 110 (for Abu Dhabi Students) OR EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51 (for Shanghai Students)
    Note: ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 3124 Fundamentals of Electronics II

    4 Credits
    The course concentrates on differential and multistage amplifier, current mirrors, current sources, active loads; frequency response of MOSFET, JFET and BJT amplifiers: Bode plots; feedback amplifiers, gain-bandwidth rule and feedback effect on frequency response; Class A, B and AB output stages; op-amp analog integrated circuits; piecewise- linear transient response; determination of state of transistors; wave-shaping circuits; MOS and bipolar digital design: noise margin, fan-out, propagation delay; CMOS, TTL, ECL; and an alternate week laboratory. The course studies design and analysis of analog integrated circuits, frequency response of amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, TTL and CMOS digital integrated circuits.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3114  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students) or EENG-SHU 322 (for Shanghai Students).
    Note: ABET competencies a, c, e, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3143 Introduction to Smart Grids

    3 Credits
    Emerging technologies such as enhanced communication and information systems, controllable electrical loads, energy storage, and renewable generation resources will constitute the backbone of future smart grids. Compared to traditional power grids, it is anticipated that smart grids will increase the overall energy efficiency, reliability and quality of energy delivery. This multi-disciplinary class is aimed at a broad audience of students and will teach basic concepts of traditional power system analysis placed in the context of emerging smart grid technologies and operating concepts (e.g., enhanced controllability and observability, demand-side participation, physical and cyber security, uncertainty-aware decision making). These aspects will be discussed with respect to deregulation, modernization, operation and expansion, and policy of the power sector. Students will gain basic theoretical and practical knowledge underlying smart grids and hands-on experience with modeling and CAD tools.

    Prerequisite(s): (MA-UY 1124  or an approved equivalent) and (MA-UY 2034  or an approved equivalent) or instructor’s permission.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3
  • ECE-UY 3193 Introduction to Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits

    3 Credits
    The course offers an overview of integrated circuit-design process: planning, design, fabrication and testing; device physics: PN junction, MOSFET and Spice models; inverter static and dynamic behavior and power dissipation; interconnects: cross talk, variation and transistor sizing; logic gates and combinational logic networks; sequential machines and sequential system design; subsystem design: adders, multipliers, static memory (SRAM), dynamic memory (DRAM). Topics include floor planning, clock distribution, power distribution and signal integrity; Input/Output buffers, packaging and testing; IC design methodology and CAD tools; implementations: full custom, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The course provides foundations of VLSI design and custom VLSI design methodology and state-of-the-art CAD tools.

    Prerequisite(s): CS-UY 2204  (C- or better) and ECE-UY 3114 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3363 Real-Time Embedded Controls and Instrumentation

    3 Credits
    Introduction to real-time embedded systems. Overview of utilization of embedded micro-controllers and micro-processor for real-time applications. Concepts of modeling and simulation of real-time systems and their hardware-in-the-loop realization. Overview of various sensors and actuators and the associated instrumentation. Electrical and communication standards for interfacing sensors and actuators in embedded systems. Sample micro-controllers and micro-processors and FPGAs in embedded applications. Operating environment in real-time processing systems and software implementations. Case studies of control systems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2024  or ECE-UY 2004  and CS-UY 2204  and the new C/C++ course (knowledge of C or C++).
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3404 Fundamentals of Communication Theory

    4 Credits
    The course covers bandpass signal representation and quadrature receivers; noise in communication systems; Digital Modulation Schemes, coherent and noncoherent receivers; coding fundamentals, block and convolutional codes; higher-order modulation schemes, QAM, M-PSK; intersymbol interference and equalization techniques; and carrier and symbol synchronization. Alternate-week computer laboratory projects analyze and design computer packages. The course teaches principles of various modulation and coding techniques and their relative effectiveness under transmission-environments constraints and uses math packages to analyze and simulate communication systems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3054  (C- or better) (for Brooklyn Engineering and Abu Dhabi Students) or EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) (for Shanghai Students); computer engineering students may register with instructor’s approval Corequisite(s): ECE-UY 2233   (Note: Abu Dhabi students may have this co-requisite waived if they have successfully completed ENGR-AD 195 as a prerequisite)
    Note: ABET competencies a, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3414 Multimedia Communication Systems I

    4 Credits
    The course is Part I of an approved Institute Sequence in Multimedia Communications. Topics: speech and audio sampling and quantization; frequency domain characterization and processing of speech signals; speech and audio-coding standards; wired and wireless telephone systems; color perception and representation; basic imageprocessing tools; image-coding standards; basics of packet-switching networks and Internet technology. Requirements: one term project by a team of two or more students related to course content. Objectives: to understand basic techniques for speech, audio and image processing and principles of wired and wireless telephone systems and the Internet.

    Prerequisite(s): CS-UY 1114  or CS-UY 1133  and MA-UY 1024 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, d, g, h, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3423 Light and Lightening

    3 Credits
    The course explores physical concepts in conversion of electric energy into visible light. Nature of light. Visualization of light. Principles of operation and characteristics of modern light sources. Incandescent and tungsten halogen lamps. Fluorescent mercury lamps. Low-pressure sodium lamps. High intensity discharge (HID) lamps. Solid-state light sources. Latest trends in lighting technology.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1004  and PH-UY 2033 .
    Also listed under: PH-UY 3424 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3474 Introduction to Modern Optics

    4 Credits
    This course covers the physics of optics using both classical and semi-classical descriptions. The classical and quantum interactions of light with matter. Diffraction of waves and wave packets by obstacles. Fourier transform optics, holography, Fourier transform spectroscopy. Coherence and quantum aspects of light. Geometrical optics. Matrix optics. Crystal optics. Introduction to electro-optics and nonlinear optics.

    Prerequisite(s): PH-UY 2033  and PH-UY 2131  
    Also listed under: PH-UY 3474  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3604 Electromagnetic Waves

    4 Credits
    Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and in dielectrics, starting from a consideration of distributed inductance and capacitance on transmission lines. Electromagnetic plane waves are obtained as a special case. Reflection and transmission at discontinuities are discussed for pulsed sources, while impedance transformation and matching are presented for harmonic time dependence. Snell’s law and the reflection and transmission coefficients at dielectric interfaces are derived for obliquely propagation plane waves. Guiding of waves by dielectrics and by metal waveguides is demonstrated. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: Establish foundations of electromagnetic wave theory applicable to antennas, transmissions lines and materials; increase appreciation for properties of materials through physical experiments.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2024  or ECE-UY 2004  (C- or better) and MA-UY 3112  (for Brooklyn Engineering Students) OR ENGR-AD 214 and ENGR-AD 194 (for Abu Dhabi Students) OR EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better) and MATH-SHU 282 (for Shanghai Students).
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3613 Communication Networks

    3 Credits
    This course develops basic techniques used in communication networks. After protocol layering is introduced, algorithms and protocols are discussed for use in each of the five layers: physical, data link, network, transport and application. Specific protocols such as TCP/IP, ATM, SS7 are included.

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: Junior status in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science. | Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 195 (or co-req of EE-UY 2233). Corequisite(s): For Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 2233   (EE majors) or MA-UY 2224  (CompE & CS majors).
    Note: ABET competencies: a, c, e

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 3824 Electric Energy Conversion Systems

    4 Credits
    Introduction to electric-energy sources, energy-storage devices, energy economics, environmental issues and electrical hazards. Principles of electric power systems transmission and distribution. Basic electromechanical conversion systems pulse and distribution transformers, induction rotating machines. Principles of electric energy conversion, static power supplies, static controllers and electric-power quality. Fundamentals of power management heat-sinks and cooling systems. Alternate-week experiments with basic electrical machines. Objectives: familiarization with energy sources, storage devices and their economical and environmental management; analysis and design of transmission and distribution systems, basic electrical machinery and power electronic converters.

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 2024  or ECE-UY 2004  (C- or better). Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better) Corequisite(s): ECE-UY 3604  
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b c, e, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 4001 ECE Professional Development and Presentation

    1 Credits
    This course provides electrical and computer engineering students with concepts, theory, principles and experience in project management and project presentation. Students learn how to apply skills learned in engineering coursework to team projects in a professional environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status or permission of the instructor.
    Note: Restricted to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors. ABET competencies: a, e, f, g.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 4113 DPI- Controls and Robotics

    3 Credits

    The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below).

    DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all junior-level technical courses.
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 0 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1

  • ECE-UY 4123 EE DPI- Electrical Power and Machinery

    3 Credits
    DP I provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all junior-level technical courses and ECE-UY 3824 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4144 Introduction to Embedded Systems Design

    4 Credits
    The course covers architecture and operation of embedded microprocessors; microprocessor assembly language programming; address decoding; interfacing to static and dynamic RAM; Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, analog I/O; interrupts and direct memory access; A/D and D/A converters; sensors; microcontrollers. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: to provide foundations of embedded systems design and analysis techniques; expose students to system level design; and teach integration of analog sensors with digital embedded microprocessors.

    Prerequisite(s): CS-UY 2204  (C- or better) and ECE-UY 2024  or ECE-UY 2004  (C- or better).
    Note: ABET competencies: a, c, d, e, g, j, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 4153 EE DPI- Multimedia

    3 Credits
    DP I provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all junior-level technical courses.
    Also listed under: EL-GY 5143  
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 0 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1

    3 Credits
    The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below). DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all junior-level technical courses.
    Also listed under: ECE-GY 6183  
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4173 EE DPI- Telecommunication Networks

    3 Credits
    DP I provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all junior-level technical courses DP I provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills. Corequisite(s): ECE-UY 3613 .
    Also listed under: ECE-GY 5373 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4183 EE DP I-Wireless Communication

    3 Credits
    DP I provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all junior-level technical courses and ECE-UY 3404 .
    Also listed under: ECE-GY 5023 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4283 Wireless Information Systems Laboratory II

    3 Credits
    This course includes hands-on experience with a combination of laboratory experiments, lectures and projects relating to basic and advanced topics in wireless communications. Specific topics include mixers, IQ modulation, phase locked loops, receiver design, PN code acquisition, smart antennas and RFID. | Prerequisite: EE-UY 4183

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 4183  
  • ECE-UY 4313 Computer Engineering Design Project I

    3 Credits
    Lectures and experiments introduce computer hardware organization, assembly language programming and interfacing computer hardware to physical devices. This course exercises the student’s oral presentation and written communication skills, and provides background necessary for beginning independent project work. Students find an adviser and choose DP II course project.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all junior-level technical courses, including minimum grade requirements.
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4323 Computer Engineering Design Project II

    3 Credits
    Students work with faculty advisers in this concluding phase of their Capstone Project. This project builds upon the analytical and laboratory skills developed in previous required and elective courses. The project may be an individual one, or carried out by a team of students working with a faculty group adviser. The project also may be multidisciplinary, carried out with students from other departments. Students are required to make oral and written presentations.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 4313  or  .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 0 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE-UY 4414 Multimedia Communication Systems II

    4 Credits
    This course is Part II of an approved Institute Sequence in Multimedia Communications. Topics: analog and digital video format, properties of human visual systems, multiplexing of separate color components, video-coding methods and standards, analog and digital TV systems. Policy and business issues in TV system development. Video conferencing systems, video streaming over the Internet, Internet protocols for real-time applications. Requires one-term project on a topic related to the course content by a team of two or more students. Objectives: to understand basic techniques for video processing and principles of television systems and real-time services over the Internet.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3414  or ECE-UY 3054 , or sufficient knowledge of Fourier Transforms.
    Note: ABET competencies: a, b, d, g, h, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-UY 4513 Nanoelectronic devices and circuits

    3 Credits
    Concepts of nanoelectronic materials, devices, and circuits. Fundamental and practical limits on the performance and energy dissipation of nanoelectronic devices.  Physical, electrical and optical properties of semiconductor materials and how they are used in circuits. Relation of the properties of semiconductors to the fundamental limits at various levels of design hierarchy. Connections between the physical design and circuit-level performance of nanoelectronic circuits.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 2114  and PH-UY 2023  and ECE-UY 3114  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3
  • ECE-UY 4563 Introduction to Machine Learning

    3 Credits
    This course provides a hands on approach to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. The course describes fundamental algorithms for linear regression, classification, model selection, support vector machines, neural networks, dimensionality reduction and clustering. The course includes computer exercises on real and synthetic data using current software tools. A number of applications are demonstrated on audio and image processing, text classification, and more. Students should have competency in computer programming.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2233 , MA-UY 2233 , MA-UY 3012 , MA-UY 2224  or MA-UY 2222  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3
  • ECE-UY 4823 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

    3 Credits
    Electric and hybrid vehicles mechanical fundamentals. DC, induction, and permanent magnet ac motors and drives. Regenerative breaking. Automotive power electronics. Fuel cells for electric vehicles. Electric Energy storage. The class meets four hours a week for lectures and recitation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3824  and PH-UY 2033 .
    Note: ABET competencies: a, c, h, k.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • ECE/CS 1012 Introduction to Computer Engineering

    2 Credits
    This course helps students to understand computer engineering as a balance among hardware, software, applications and theory, the notion of abstraction, computer layers and how they relate to various aspects of computer engineering, implementation of abstract and physical computer layers: Number systems, digital logic, basic processor structure, instruction set architecture, machine languages, assembly languages and high-level programming in C. Other computer concepts, including compilers, operating systems and algorithms, are presented, along with the simulator concept and its usage for understanding computer design, testing and analysis. Experts present special topics in the area. Also discussed are invention, innovation, entrepreneurship and ethics in these topics and in Computer Engineering.

    Also listed under:   and  .

Electrical Engineering (Graduate)

  • ECE-GY 90X3 Selected Topics in Wireless Communication (X=1, 2, 9)

    3 Credits
    This course covers selected topics of current interest in wireless communications. (See department for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 91X3 Selected Topics in Signal Processing (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course centers on selected topics of current interest in signals and systems. (See departmental mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 92X3 Selected Topics in Control Systems (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course discusses topics of current interest to feedback and control-system engineers. (See department mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 93X3 Selected Topics in Telecommunications and Networking (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course covers selected topics of current interest in telecommunications and networking. (See departmental mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 94X3 Selected Topics in Computer Electronic Devices and Systems (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    This course examines special topics of current interest in the field of electronic devices, circuits and systems. (See departmental mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 95X3 Selected Topics in Electro- Optics, Quantum Electronics and Material Science (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course covers topics of current interest dealing with the interaction of matter with electromagnetic fields. (See department mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 96X3 Selected Topics in Power Engineering (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course looks at topics of current interest in electric power engineering. (See departmental mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 97X3 Selected Topics in Electrodynamics, Wave Phenomena and Plasmas (X=1, 2,…9)

    3 Credits
    The course discusses topics of current interests in plasmas, electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation, diffraction and radiation, including wave interactions with plasmas, materials and special mathematical and numerical techniques. (See departmental mailing for detailed description of each particular offering.)

    Prerequisite(s): Specified when offered.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 997x MS Thesis in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department

    Variable Credits Credits
    The student is required to conduct a theoretical and/or experimental project in a research area in electrical engineering, computer engineering, electrophysics, system engineering, or telecommunication networks. The project is chosen based on the student’s specialized interest and preparation and is guided by a faculty member who is expert in the chosen subject. Oral-thesis defense and formal, bounded thesis are required. Registration of at least 6 credits over continuous semesters is required. A student must secure a thesis adviser before registration.

    Prerequisite(s): Degree status.
  • ECE-GY 999X PhD Dissertation in Electrical Engineering

    Variable Credits Credits
    The dissertation is an original investigation of an electrical-engineering problem. The work must demonstrate creativity and include features of originality and utility worthy of publication in a recognized journal. Candidates must successfully defend their dissertations orally and submit a bounded thesis. Registration of at least 21 credits over continuous semesters is required.

    Prerequisite(s): Passing grade for RE 9990 PhD Qualifying Exam
  • ECE-GY 5023 Wireless Information Systems Laboratory I

    3 Credits
    This course includes hands-on experience with a combination of laboratory experiments, lectures and projects relating to spread spectrum code division multiple access (CDMA) wireless communication systems. Specific topics include pseudo-noise code generation, transmitters and receivers for direct sequence and frequency hopping systems, acquisition and tracking, CDMA wireless computer communications, UHF channel propagation characteristics including multipath time delay profiles and attenuation measurements, bit error rate measurements, phase locked loops and spectrum sharing with existing narrowband users.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status or ECE-UY 3404 .
    Also listed under: ECE-UY 4183 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 4.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5033 Wireless Information Systems Laboratory II

    3 Credits
    This course includes hands-on experience with a combination of laboratory experiments, lectures and projects relating to basic and advanced topics in wireless communications. Specific topics include mixers, IQ modulation, phase locked loops, receiver design, PN code acquisition, smart antennas and RFID.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-GY 5023 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 4.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5213 Introduction to Systems Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course introduces fundamentals of systems engineering process. Topics: Multidisciplinary systems methodology, design and analysis of complex systems. Brief history of systems engineering. Mathematical models. Objective functions and constraints. Optimization tools. Topics to be covered include identification, problem definition, synthesis, analysis and evaluation activities during conceptual and preliminary system design phases. Decision analysis and utility theory. Information flow analysis in organizations. Elements of systems management, including decision styles, human information processing, organizational decision processes and information system design for planning and decision support. Basic economic modeling and analysis. Requirements development, life-cycle costing, scheduling and risk analysis. Application of computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5223 Sensor Based Robotics

    3 Credits
    The course covers robot mechanisms, robot arm kinematics (direct and inverse kinematics), robot arm dynamics (EulerLagrange, Newton-Euler and Hamiltonian Formulations), six degree-of-freedom rigid body kinematics and dynamics, quaternion, nonholonomic systems, trajectory planning,various sensors and actuators for robotic applications, end-effector mechanisms, force and moment analysis, introduction to control of robotic manipulators.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status. Corequisite(s): ECE-UY 3064 . Pre/Co-requisite: ECE-UY 3064 .
    Also listed under: ME-GY 6613 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5253 Applied Matrix Theory

    3 Credits
    The course focuses on in-depth introduction to theory and application of linear operators and matrices in finite-dimensional vector space. Topics: determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Theory of linear equations. Canonical forms and Jordan canonical form. Matrix analysis of differential and difference equations. Singular value decomposition. Variational principles and perturbation theory. Numerical methods.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status, MA-UY 2012 , MA-UY 2132 , MA-UY 2112  and MA-UY 2122 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5373 Internet Architecture and Protocols

    3 Credits
    This course introduces basic local area networking technologies and protocols in a set of lectures and laboratory experiments. Topics: link level protocols. Local area networks: CSMA/CD, Token Ring, IEEE standards and protocols. The Internet protocol suite: IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP, UDP and TCP. LAN Interconnection: bridges, routers and gateways. Application protocols: SNMP, FTP, SMTP and NFS.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3613  or equivalent.
    Also listed under: ECE-UY 4173 .
    Note: Online version available.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5463 Introduction to RF/Microwave Integrated Circuits

    3 Credits
    The course topics include: review of transmission lines and smith chart. Introduction of signal graphs technique. Noise in microwave circuits. Introduction to active devices for RF and microwave circuits. S-parameter modeling. Design of amplifiers, stability analysis and examples. Oscillators and mixers. Transistor and dielectric resonator oscillators. Design considerations and examples. Introduction to microwave systems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3604 .
    Note: Online version available.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5533 Physics of Nanoelectronics

    3 Credits
    The course covers limits to the ongoing miniaturization (Moore’s Law) of the successful silicon device technology imposed by physical limitations of energy dissipation, quantum tunneling and discrete quantum electron states. Topics: quantum physical concepts and elementary Schrodinger theory. Conductance quantum and magnetic flux quantum. Alternative physical concepts for devices of size scales of 1 to 10 nanometers, emphasizing role of power dissipation. Tunnel diode, resonant tunnel diode, electron wave transistor; spin valve, tunnel valve, magnetic disk and random access memory; single electron transistor, molecular crossbar latch, quantum cellular automata including molecular and magnetic realizations. Josephson junction and rapid single flux quantum’ computation. Photo- and x-ray lithographic patterning, electron beam patterning, scanning probe microscopes for observation and for fabrication; cantilever array as dense memory, use of carbon nano tubes and of DNA and related biological elements as building blocks and in self-assembly strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): PH-UY 2033 .
    Also listed under: PH-GY 5493 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5553 Physics of Quantum Computing

    3 Credits
    The course focuses on limits to the performance of binary computers, traveling salesman and factorization problems, security of encryption. Topics: the concept of the quantum computer based on linear superposition of basis states. The information content of the qubit. Algorithmic improvements enabled in the hypothetical quantum computer. Isolated two-level quantum systems, the principle of linear superposition as well established. Coherence as a limit on quantum computer realization. Introduction of concepts underlying present approaches to realizing qubits (singly and in interaction) based on physical systems. The systems under consideration are based on light photons in fiber optic systems; electron charges in double well potentials, analogous to the hydrogen molecular ion; nuclear spins manipulated via the electron nuclear spin interaction and systems of ions such as Be and Cd which are trapped in linear arrays using methods of ultra-high vacuum, radiofrequency trapping and laser-based cooling and manipulation of atomic states. Included: summary and comparison of the several approaches.

    Prerequisite(s): PH-UY 2033 .
    Also listed under: PH-GY 5553 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5613 Introduction to Electric Power Systems

    3 Credits
    The course focuses on basic concepts in electric power systems. Topics: single-and-three-phase circuits, power triangle; transmission lines parameters: resistance, inductance, capacitance, transformers and generators; lumpedcomponent piequivalent circuit representation; perunit normalization; symmetrical phase components; load-flow program.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 2024  or equivalent.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5623 Finite Elements for Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the finite elements method for solving electrical engineering problems. Topics: a refresher of basic concepts of electromagnetism. Introduction to the solution methods of partial differential equations. Comparative summary of the solution methods for Maxwell equations. Finite elements, Garlekin and least squares approaches. Description of some commercial software packages. In this hands-on course, students do assignments and final projects using the finite elements software COMSOL Multiphysics.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status or ECE-UY 3604  and ECE-UY 3824 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5663 Physics of Alternative Energy

    3 Credits
    This course concentrates on non-petroleum sources of energy include photovoltaic cells, photocatalytic generators of hydrogen from water and nuclear fusion reactors. Topics: advanced physics of these emerging technical areas are introduced in this course. Semiconductor junctions, optical absorption in semiconductors, photovoltaic effect. Energy conversion efficiency of the silicon solar cell. Single crystal, polycrystal and thin film types of solar cells. Excitons in bulk and in confined geometries. Excitons in energy transport within an absorbing structure. Methods of making photocatalytic surfaces and structures for water splitting. Conditions for nuclear fusion. Plasmas and plasma compression. The toroidal chamber with magnetic coils as it appears in recent designs. Nuclear fusion by laser compression (inertial fusion). Small-scale exploratory approaches to fusion based on liquid compression and electric field ionization of deuterium gas.

    Prerequisite(s): PH-UY 2033 .
    Also listed under:   
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5733 RF and Microwave Systems Engineering

    3 Credits
    The course covers following topics: Review of electromagnetic theory and transmission lines. Printed transmission lines. S, Z, Y, ABCD parameters, network theory, signal flow graphs, CAD methods. Excitation of waveguides. Single and multisection impedance transformer, power divider, directional coupler, hybrid circuits. Microwave resonator: series, parallel resonators, stubs and cavities. Filter theory and designs, coupled-line filters, Kuroda identities, Chebychev and maximally flat filters.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status or ECE-UY 3604 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5753 Introduction to Plasma Engineering

    3 Credits
    The course focuses on basic plasma concepts and applications; parameters describing the plasma; motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields; effect of particle collisions on plasma transport: diffusion and mobilities. Plasmas as dielectric media; plasma dielectric response functions for collective plasma oscillations and for electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma. Plasmas for practical applications.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status or ECE-UY 3604 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5813 Biomedical Instrumentation

    3 Credits
    This course gives an overview on the theory, design and application of biomedical instrumentation used for diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and scientific study of physiological systems. The objective of this course is to enable students to design, build and test useful circuits, and to interface them with a computer using a data acquisition system for further signal analysis and processing.

    Prerequisite(s): A course in circuits including Op-Amps (eg. ECE-UY 2024 ) and programming experience.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 5823 Biomedical Imaging I

    3 Credits
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3
  • ECE-GY 6013 Digital Communications

    3 Credits
    The course covers the following topics: Principles of M-ary communication: signal space methods, optimum detection. Fundamental parameters of digital communication systems, various modulation techniques and their performance in terms of bandwidth efficiency and error probability. Efficient signaling with coded waveforms. Block coding and convolutional coding. Joint modulation and coding. Equalization for communication over bandlimited channels. Brief overview of digital communications over fading multipath channels.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3404  and ECE-GY 6303 .
    Note: Online version available.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 6023 Wireless Communications

    3 Credits
    This course covers the fundamentals of wireless communications including statistical descriptions of the wireless channel (path loss models, large-scale and small-scale fading), digital communication over fading channels (channel estimation, receiver design and performance, Shannon theory of time-varying channels, channel coding, diversity and related MAC-layer concepts), introduction to cellular systems and multiple access (frequency reuse, OFDM, CDMA, capacity analysis and basics of multiuser information theory) and MIMO communication.  Examples will be provided from state-of-the-art cellular and wireless LAN standards.

    Note: Online version available.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 6063 Information Theory

    3 Credits
    Mathematical information measures: entropy, relative entropy and mutual information. Assymptotic equipartition property, entropy rates of stochastic processes. Lossless source encoding theorems and source coding techniques. Channel capacity, differential entropy and the Gaussian channel. Lossy source coding rate distortion theory. Brief overview of network information theory.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status and ECE-GY 6303 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 6113 Digital Signal Processing I

    3 Credits
    Discrete and continuous-time linear systems. Z-transform. Fourier transforms. Sampling. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Digital filtering. Design of FIR and IIR filters. Windowing. Least squares in signal processing. Minimum-phase and all-pass systems. Digital filter realizations. Matlab programming exercises.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status.
    Also listed under: BE-GY 6403 .
    Note: Online version available.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 6123 Image and Video Processing

    3 Credits
    This course introduces fundamentals of image and video processing, including color image capture and representation; color coordinate conversion; contrast enhancement; spatial domain filtering (linear convolution, median and morphological filtering); two-dimensional (2D) Fourier transform and frequency domain interpretation of linear convolution; 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and DFT domain filtering; image sampling and resizing; geometric transformation and image registration; video motion characterization and estimation; video stabilization and panoramic view generation; basic compression techniques (entropy coding, vector quantization, predictive coding, transform coding);  JPEG image compression standard; wavelet transform and JPEG2000 standard; video compression using adaptive spatial and temporal prediction; video coding standards (MPEGx/H26x); Stereo and multi-view image and video processing (depth from disparity, disparity estimation, video synthesis, compression). Students will learn to implement selected algorithms in MATLAB or C-language.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing or Undergraduate Standing having completed ECE-UY 3054  and ECE-UY 2233  . Corequisite(s): Suggested Corequisites: ECE-GY 6113  and ECE-GY 6303  (not required)
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • ECE-GY 6143 Machine Learning

    3 Credits
    This course is an introduction to the field of machine learning, covering fundamental techniques for classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, clustering, and model selection. A broad range of algorithms will be covered, such as linear and logistic regression, neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, tree-based methods, expectation maximization, and principal components analysis. The course will include hands-on exercises with real data from different application areas (e.g. text, audio, images). Students will learn to train and validate machine learning models and analyze their performance.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status with undergraduate level probability theory.
    Also listed under: CS-GY 6923  
    Note: May not take if student has already completed EE-UY 4563.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3
  • ECE-GY 6183 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

    3 Credits
    Real-time implementation of algorithms for digital signal processing (DSP) with an emphasis on audio processing. Audio input-output and buffering. Filtering (recursive and non-recursive filters, structures). Fast Fourier transform and windowed spectral analysis. Digital audio effects (delay line, amplitude modulation, reverberation, distortion, phase vocoder). Time-varying and adaptive filters. Students with learn to implement these algorithms for real-time audio processing  in software (e.g., Matlab and Python).

    Prerequisite(s): ECE-UY 3054   or equivalent (for undergraduate students) or Graduate Standing.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 4.5 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0

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