2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) 
    Mar 30, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Academic Requirements and Policies

Program Areas

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering addresses the world of technology and its unique interactions with society. To fulfill its mission, NYU Tandon School of Engineering offers degree programs in five general academic areas:

  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Sciences and Mathematics
  • Technology, Culture, and Society
  • Technology Management

Computer Science and Engineering

Computer science and engineering is an important and expanding field as today’s society advances further into the Information Age. Computer science and engineering includes designing systems (computer hardware and software) and developing principles for applying computers to new uses. The field requires high levels of theory and practice and often involves developing or integrating complex software.

Computer science and engineering is a major element in modern information technology, allowing information to be used to analyze and solve problems in diverse fields, including telemedicine, heath care, finance, entertainment, manufacturing, telecommunications, transportation and biomedicine. Because of the breadth of its potential applications, computer science and engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering has a multidisciplinary focus.

The curriculum integrates basic science, computer science, mathematics, humanities and social sciences. Students take electives in technical and non-technical subjects, a mix that allows for flexibility and breadth in their studies at NYU Tandon.

The current faculty works in state-of-the art fields such as high-speed imaging, classification, software virus protection, high-speed graphics, text and data mining, fault-tolerant computing, database-management systems, software engineering, data compression, data security, parallel and distributed computation, scheduling theory, computer vision and Internet and Web technologies. This faculty experience, combined with a strong curriculum that integrates theory and practice, positions NYU Tandon graduates well for the 21st century.


Engineering is the creation of devices and implements that can control or manipulate nature to produce a desired effect, applying science to build the infrastructure and tools society needs to improve the quality of life and the environment.

The modern engineer must have a firm background in the sciences and mathematics. Science reveals fundamental knowledge about the natural world. Mathematics comprises the language and tool used most often by engineers to analyze and manipulate that world. Additionally, a background in the liberal arts provides a fundamental understanding of society, its structures, needs and desires. No one can hope to improve society without such understanding. Engineers also must deeply appreciate the role they play in society, particularly in terms of their professional ethics and responsibilities. Finally, engineers must have excellent written and oral communication skills to work effectively with other engineers, professionals, decision-makers and the public.

NYU Tandon’s engineering programs build on a firm foundation of mathematics and science to develop the analytic and conceptual skills required of a practicing professional. Laboratory classes introduce students to devices and systems currently used in their fields and help develop their skills in using computer-aided design packages. Undergraduate programs prepare students equally for entry into the profession and for continued education at the graduate level.

NYU Tandon, by giving students a comprehensive education in scientific and engineering principles and by developing creative skills required for engineering design and analysis, provides its graduates with the ability to continue to learn and grow in rapidly developing technological fields throughout their careers.

Current NYU Tandon faculty and alumni are advancing varied fields such as telecommunications, microwaves, imaging sciences, quantum electronics, pulsed power, smart materials, aerospace, robotics, geotechnology, biomedical engineering, financial and risk engineering, cyber security, gaming, software engineering and sensors and sensor networks. Through the School’s engineering curriculum, students are equipped to advance this tradition forward to the next generation of technological breakthroughs.

The Sciences and Mathematics

Science and mathematics underpin modern technology. As scientists and mathematicians discover and describe secrets of the natural world, engineers look to apply them to developing new technology. Without the physical sciences and mathematics, engineers would have no tools with which to invent the technology of tomorrow.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s undergraduate science and mathematics programs give students unique opportunities to study basic theory while interacting with design disciplines. The undergraduate program structure in these areas encourages students to select concentrations of elective courses in technology areas.

Students use modern laboratories and interact with faculty who are world-class researchers. Many upper-level classes are small, allowing students to develop one-on-one relationships with faculty and to work with them in their research areas.

The future of technology depends on the ability to develop a better and more accurate understanding of nature and its opportunities and constraints. For technology to advance, scientists must continue to unlock the secrets of the universe, and mathematicians must continue to develop the analytical and logical processes through which they can extend and apply what they investigate and discover. NYU Tandon programs prepare scientists and mathematicians for this vital role, enabling them to lead society to a better future.

Technology, Culture, and Society

Within the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, humanists, artists, and social scientists study the significance and impact of technology over time, and the relationship between technology and civic virtue. We fulfill that mission through majors in Integrated Digital Media (IDM), Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Sustainable Urban Environments (SUE), and liberal arts courses specifically designed to help engineering students understand the complex moral and social consequences of their work.

Technology Management and Innovation

NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Department of Technology Management and Innovation is the leading learning, research and development hub in the New York City/tri-state region, devoted explicitly to the critical arenas of innovation, information and technology management.

The department has achieved this distinguished position with a continuous stream of high-quality and relevant research, development and pace-setting learning programs. Its faculty contributes to theory and practice in an increasingly knowledge-intensive age.

The research and development conducted within the Department of Technology Management and Innovation is varied, including scholarly books and articles in respected journals and timely case studies. Some of this material forms part of the content in educational programs, helping to keep programs up-to-date and distinctive. The department is also committed to integrating technology into all educational programs to enhance learning. Because all managers must understand how technology and innovation are essential for delivering value to organizations and to the market, the department offers a portfolio of educational programs dealing with the broad spectrum of innovation, information and technology management in the modern economy.

In addition to its academic programs at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels, the Department of Technology Management and Innovation offers short-term nondegree courses and workshops, including those tailored to the needs of specific firms and industries on contemporary topics in technology management.


Undergraduate Degree Requirements

This section details general institutional degree requirements applicable to all NYU Tandon School of Engineering undergraduate degrees. Academic departments may place additional requirements on individual degrees. Such additional requirements are explained in the program sections of this catalog. In no case may a department specify requirements less stringent than those indicated here.

Outcomes Assessment

NYU Tandon School of Engineering conducts outcomes assessments to monitor students’ academic achievement, effective teaching methods, institutional improvements, and to ensure compliance with accreditation standards. To obtain periodic measurements of student perceptions and intellectual growth, undergraduate students are asked to participate in surveys, focus groups, interviews or related activities. While individual input is collected, the data from these assessments are published in aggregate form. Undergraduate students must complete online course surveys for all courses in which they are registered each semester (except guided studies and courses in which the enrollment is fewer than six students). Graduating seniors must complete exit surveys online. Any additions to or exceptions to this requirement are disseminated to the campus community each semester by the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research. Compliance with outcomes-assessment activities is traditionally a precondition for receipt of semester grade reports, transcripts, and degrees.

Basic Degree Requirements and Definition of Credits

Programs for the degree Bachelor of Science require 120 to 142 credits, depending upon the major as described in the program’s section of this bulletin. Undergraduate semester credits are based on the number of 50-minute periods scheduled each week during one semester. Traditionally, one credit signifies a minimum of one 50-minute period of class work, or three 50-minute periods of undergraduate laboratory, over a period of 14 weeks, in addition to a final exam period. On occasion, more time per credit is given. The final examination period is an integral part of the semester.

Students may attend the University part-time or full-time. All undergraduate degrees can be completed in four years of full-time study. To earn the degree Bachelor of Science from NYU Tandon School of Engineering, students must satisfy University residency requirements. The majority of undergraduate courses are held during the day. A selection of evening undergraduate courses is available, but it is not possible to complete any undergraduate degree by taking courses entirely in the evening.

To earn a bachelor’s degree, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in all courses at NYU Tandon School of Engineering; additional details can be found in the section regarding academic standing and probation. Certain programs have additional grade requirements in specified courses or groups of courses. Most undergraduate engineering curricula require students to participate in team projects, including participation in team-based design projects. Students must participate in outcomes assessment, as described below.

Selection of a Major

Undergraduate students admitted to the NYU Tandon School of Engineering are encouraged to declare their major upon admission, although incoming first-year students may initially enter as “undeclared” students. First-year students wishing to consider several program options are encouraged to use their first semester to explore major fields in consultation with departmental advisers. While the first year curriculum is nearly uniform for all engineering majors and very similar for other majors, students who choose to delay selecting their major until the end of the freshman year must select courses in consultation with their academic advisers.

Students are free to change their major at any time, given that their academic standing is acceptable to the program into which they wish to transfer. However, changes in major may involve loss of credit and additional time to complete the degree. Students entering NYU Tandon with an undeclared major must declare any currently offered undergraduate major by the end of their first year.

Double Majors

Tandon students are eligible to complete a second (non-primary) major in a distinct discipline other than their primary declared major, both within the Tandon School of Engineering and at other undergraduate schools of NYU (except the School of Professional Studies). Declaring a second major is an option for all undergraduate students at Tandon as long as they are in good academic standing and receive approval from authorized personnel from both academic departments. Specific requirements for each major are determined by the two departments’ undergraduate academic advisers, undergraduate program directors, or department heads, in conjunction with the Tandon Office of Undergraduate Academics and the Tandon Office of Records and Registration. Students are required to complete all degree requirements for each major; some courses may be double counted towards both majors at the discretion of both academic departments.

Please note that Tandon students may not declare a second major at another NYU School if a similar major, in name and content, is offered at Tandon. For example, Tandon students may not double major in computer science at CAS. Similarly, Tandon students interested in completing a second major in math must declare the double major in math at Tandon. Tandon students may not double major in math at CAS.

It is important to be aware that declaring a second major will likely increase a students’ time to completion at NYU and can impact financial aid. More information and instructions can be found on the NYU Tandon Non-primary (Double) Major Declaration form and the Double Major Completion form.

Selection of a Minor

A minor is an approved concentration of academic study within a single discipline. In specified programs, undergraduate students may select a minor in a field distinct from, or related to, their major, with approval of advisers in both the major and minor fields. The name of the minor appears on students’ transcripts if the approved coursework in the minor field have been completed with at least a 2.0 GPA. With the consent of a student’s major department, some courses used to satisfy the minor requirements also may satisfy the required or electives course requirements in the student’s major program. The names and associated requirements for minors are listed in the sections of this bulletin devoted to related major programs.

NYU Cross-School Minors

Visit the NYU Tandon Minors webpage for more detailed information on the cross-school minors available. NYU Tandon School of Engineering students have the opportunity to minor at other schools of NYU except the School of Professional Studies. (Likewise, students matriculated at the School of Professional Studies are not permitted to declare a minor offered at Tandon.) An undergraduate student may minor in a discipline not typically offered at NYU Tandon. If a similar minor, in name and content, is offered at the School, students must receive permission from the specific academic department at NYU Tandon offering the minor in order to enroll in such a minor at NYU. With the consent of a student’s major department, some courses used to satisfy the minor requirements may also satisfy the required or electives course requirements in the student’s major program. Students will follow all policies, procedures and academic time lines of the respective NYU school.

Students must consult their major academic adviser to determine the applicability of courses towards their NYU Tandon School of Engineering degree. Students will need additional credits than the minimum required to satisfy their degree requirements if courses taken for a minor at NYU do not meet the requirements specified by a student’s program of study.  When declaring a minor, students will indicate the courses they plan on completing for the minor. For each course taken, students must obtain approval from their NYU Tandon academic adviser as well as the corresponding academic department at NYU Tandon.

Note that declaration of a minor does not constitute guaranteed enrollment in all classes; registration timelines and deadline need to be strictly followed.

Course Placement Evaluation

NYU Tandon course placement evaluations are intended to ensure that each student receives the most pertinent instruction in areas necessary to successfully complete their degree program. Placement evaluations may supersede the results of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate examinations and/or acceptable transfer credits from another institution of higher education as determined by the designated adviser and the department offering the course.

Mathematics Diagnostic Examination

The Mathematics Diagnostic Examination is an extensive test to profile students’ knowledge and skills in basic and advanced mathematics. The Mathematics Department uses the scores on various components of the exam to place students in relevant mathematics courses. Incoming first-year students (excluding those with AP/IB credit) are placed into Precalculus MA-UY 914  or Calculus I (MA-UY 1024  or MA-UY 1324 ).

Writing Placement

Incoming students will be automatically placed into EXPOS-UA 1 Writing the Essay . A first day in-class writing sample will be used to determine if any students should be changed to EXPOS-UA 4 International Workshop Writing I  .

International students who are flagged for the English-language survey will be required to take an online diagnostic exam.

Writing and Speaking Across the Curriculum

NYU Tandon School of Engineering has adopted a Writing and Speaking Across the Curriculum program to ensure graduates develop satisfactory communications skills. This program ensures that significant writing and speaking assignments are included in designated coursework throughout students’ undergraduate program and that course grades are influenced by the quality of presentation in addition to mastery of content.

To support this program, the Tandon Writing Center is staffed by instructors, professional writers and qualified tutors. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to improve their writing and speaking skills.

Core courses such as EXPOS-UA 1 , EXPOS-UA 2 EG-UY 1003 , select humanities and social sciences electives, and all senior design projects are writing and speaking intensive. Each disciplinary curriculum identifies additional courses that fit into this category.

In addition to the required first-year writing curriculum, NYU Tandon students are required to complete 16 credits within the humanities and social sciences. One of these courses must be an Advanced Seminar (identifiable by course number 4504), and one must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. Please note that the same course, or two different courses, may be used to fulfill the Advanced Seminar requirement and the 3000/4000 requirement. For more information about this requirement, and to see a list of courses, please refer to the Department of Technology, Culture and Society   overview.

Core Curriculum

NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s core curriculum is designed to provide all students with a solid education in the liberal arts, mathematics, basic sciences, and their major area of study. The goals of the core curriculum are to build students’ critical, analytical, and communication skills; to build a strong foundation of knowledge; to introduce students to their major field of study; to expose students to other fields; and to prepare students for lives as responsible and engaged citizens. The core curriculum includes three areas of inquiry: (1) text, communication and social thought; (2) quantitative and scientific reasoning; and (3) innovation and problem solving.


Area 1: Texts, Communication and Social Thought (24 credits)
Area 2: Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning (minimum of 34 credits)
Area 3: Innovation and Problem Solving (9-10 credits)


Area 1: Texts, Communication and Social Thought (24 credits)
Area 2: Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning (requirement varies)
  • Mathematics
  • Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or other natural science course
Area 3: Innovation and Problem Solving (requirement varies)

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) requires undergraduate students to complete a minimum of 60 credits in liberal arts and sciences for the Bachelor of Science degree. These liberal arts and sciences courses constitute a foundation or “general education” in the humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences. These courses are intended to provide a basis of knowledge outside of specified occupational or professional objectives; these courses are not intended to emphasize the development of skills in areas such as technology or computer programming. All undergraduate majors at NYU Tandon School of Engineering fulfill the NYSED 60 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement through courses in expository writing, humanities and social sciences, mathematics, and science (areas 2 and 3, above).

Engineering Competencies

All NYU Tandon School of Engineering undergraduate engineering programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET identifies the following eight General Criteria that every engineering program should address: (1) Students; (2) Program Educational Objectives; (3) Student Outcomes; (4) Continuous Improvement; (5) Curriculum; (6) Faculty; (7) Facilities; and (8) Institutional Support.


Modifications to Curricula

Course Substitutions

On occasion, the curricula changes to reflect the latest knowledge and methods within a subject area, especially in the science, engineering and technology areas taught at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Students are informed of these changes by their major department.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering responds to changes in curricula and course content by addressing special situations and circumstances. To that end, the School occasionally needs to substitute one course for another specified in the curriculum for students to meet degree requirements. A student documents such substitutions on an Adjustment of Degree Requirements form available from the Office of the Registrar’s website. Each substitution must be documented and approved by the student’s major adviser and the Office of Undergraduate Academics. If a graduation checklist has been issued at the time of the substitution, the change should be formally entered on the checklist and approved by the major adviser and the Office of Undergraduate Academics.

Interruption of Study

NYU Tandon School of Engineering graduates must fulfill degree requirements using courses that meet current standards in the field. Accordingly, students have up to eight years to complete the degree requirements in effect when they first enrolled in an NYU Tandon School of Engineering undergraduate degree program. This time limit is irrespective of any leave of absence granted during the eight-year period. As courses continuously evolve, the School may replace courses in the original degree requirements with comparable courses with updated content. Should the School establish a new set of degree requirements for new students, continuing students may choose to satisfy those requirements. In such cases, the Tandon School of Engineering decides which portion of the new requirements may be satisfied by the courses students have completed and also rules on modification, if any, of the original eight year time limit.

If a student has exceeded or is about to exceed the eight-year limit and has not yet finished their degree requirements, they need to appeal for an extension in order to finish the remaining courses.

To appeal, the student must consult with their academic adviser and fill out the “Extension of Time Limit to Complete Degree” form. All courses remaining in order to complete their degree must be listed and the time frame in which they will be completed.

The form should then be signed by their academic adviser and the Office of Undergraduate Academics before it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

BS/MS Program

Undergraduates with strong academic records in certain programs may apply for admission to the BSMS Program, which leads to the award of both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. While still undergraduates, this program allows students to make steady progress towards completing the two degrees for a lesser cost through a combination of earned AP credits, completed summer coursework, and additional credits over the limit completed each semester. Qualified students are typically considered for admission to the program during their junior year. In their remaining undergraduate semesters, they will complete some graduate coursework during regular terms and/or during the summer towards their desired MS degree.

Students interested in pursuing this option should speak with their undergraduate adviser as soon as possible. Some of the possible combinations of BS and MS majors available are described in the programs section of this bulletin. Students accepted to the BS/MS program are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 for the duration of the undergraduate portion of the program and a 3.0 after matriculation into the graduate portion of the program; some departments may have higher GPA requirements. Students must graduate with a 3.5 cumulative GPA in the BS degree in order to move on to the MS program.

Additional information can be acquired from departmental advisers, including the specific sequence of courses necessary to complete the two degrees. International Students in F-1 or J-1 status must obtain permission and the necessary I-20/DS-2019 from the Office of Global Services before enrollment in the combined BS/MS program.

Honors Distinctions

Honor Societies

Students with superior academic records and co-curricular achievements may be selected to join one of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s chapters of a national honors society in their junior or senior year. Closely allied to the professional and technical societies, these honors societies encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and leadership.

Participating Societies at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering:

Chi Epsilon - Civil Engineering
Eta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering
Omega Chi Epsilon - Chemical Engineering
Pi Mu Epsilon - Mathematics
Pi Tau Sigma - Mechanical Engineering
Sigma Xi - Research
Tau Beta Pi - Engineering
Upsilon Pi Epsilon - Computing Sciences

Degrees with Honors

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering adheres to New York University’s Latin Honors requirements. Latin Honors are given to Baccalaureate degree recipients who have achieved a high cumulative grade point average (GPA) and satisfied the school’s residency requirements.

The GPA cutoffs for each category are determined by the combined GPA distribution from the preceding academic year. The cutoff for summa cum laude is the GPA included with the top five percent of the previous year’s graduating class. The cutoff for magna cum laude is the GPA included within the next 10 percent of the previous year’s class. The cutoff for cum laude is the GPA included within the next 15 percent of the previous year’s class.

The cumulative grade point average and residency requirements for Latin Honors are published on the University Registrar’s Latin Honors site. Please refer to the figures associated with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

Undergraduate Credits


To satisfy residency requirements for the BS degree, NYU Tandon School of Engineering students must complete a minimum of at least half of the required credits at Tandon in approved coursework. Departmental advisers will assist students in selecting courses required for degree completion. In addition, students must complete their final semester’s worth of credits at the University, unless approved for a special term abroad (with the approval from their academic department and the Office of Undergraduate Academics). In regards to Tandon minors, one-half of the coursework must be completed at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. All transfer credits are subject to the NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s transfer credit policy and process.

Transfer Credits from other Undergraduate Institutions

Students who have completed undergraduate coursework at other universities prior to beginning their studies at NYU Tandon School of Engineering are encouraged to request to transfer credits over to their NYU degree. NYU Tandon awards transfer credit for relevant courses completed satisfactorily at other accredited institutions. Students transferring into the NYU Tandon School of Engineering must have all outside transcripts examined by the Undergraduate Admissions Office and an adviser from their major department to determine the acceptability of individual substitutions and general acceptance of credits from their former institution(s). Much of this can be accomplished during the application process if the student’s record is complete. All evaluations of transfer credits must be completed by the end of the student’s first semester of registration at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Some programs may choose to delay approval of transfer credits until students demonstrate satisfactory progress at Tandon.

Undergraduate transfer credit is not given for any course in which a grade less than C or equivalent has been earned. In addition, students completing a course at NYU Tandon for which transfer credit already has been given automatically forfeit the transfer credit for that course. The University does not award transfer credits of gym or physical education courses. Transfer credit is not awarded for classes that were completed pass/fail or for credits that were earned 10 years or more from the students entering term to NYU Tandon. The maximum number of credits that can be granted is half of the degree; students must still meet the residency requirements after credit transfer.

For new first-year students admitted to NYU, it may be possible to transfer college courses taken while in high school. Credit may be awarded if the following criteria are met: 1) Received a grade of B or better; 2) NYU offers corresponding courses; 3) Courses were not used to satisfy high school graduation requirements.

The contents and standards of courses vary from university to university. Thus, some transfer students find after a semester’s work at NYU Tandon School of Engineering that they are better prepared for advanced courses if they re-enroll in a course at NYU Tandon for which they have been given transfer credit. Students may be required to enroll in such a NYU Tandon course after consulting with their academic adviser. In some instances, course requirements may be waived for students who demonstrate sufficient knowledge of specific course content through either written or oral examination given by the academic department offering such course. In such cases, no credit is awarded, but students are allowed to submit a more advanced course to satisfy degree requirements. This approach differs from “credit by examination,” described later in this section.

Grades of courses for which transfer credit is given are omitted in computing a student’s cumulative or current semester GPAs.

The receipt of transfer credit is subject to the discretion of the corresponding academic department, the Tandon School of Engineering, and the larger New York University.

Dual Degree Program with the College of Arts and Science: The 3+2 Program

General Information

NYU’s College of Arts and Science offers a dual-degree program in science and engineering with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. This program affords highly qualified and motivated students who are technically oriented the opportunity to pursue both a liberal arts program with a major in science and a traditional engineering program. The program is ideal for students interested in science and engineering who are also eager for a liberal arts experience before entering an undergraduate engineering environment. Upon completion of this five-year program, students receive the Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Arts and Science at New York University and the Bachelor of Science degree from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

The available dual-degree combinations are as follows:

  • BS in Biology/BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • BS in Chemistry/BS in Chemical and Biomolecular engineering
  • BS in Computer Science/ BS in Computer Engineering
  • BS in Computer Science/ BS in Electrical Engineering
  • BS in Mathematics/ BS in Civil Engineering
  • BS in Mathematics/ BS in Computer Engineering
  • BS in Mathematics/ BS in Electrical Engineering
  • BS in Mathematics/ BS in Mechanical Engineering
  • BS in Physics/BS in Civil Engineering
  • BS in Physics/BS in Computer Engineering
  • BS in Physics/BS in Electrical Engineering
  • BS in Physics/BS in Mechanical Engineering

Detailed programs of study for each of the curricula are available from the NYU’s College Advising Center, Silver Center, 100 Washington Square East, Room 905.

Students who are interested in this program apply directly to NYU’s College of Arts and Science as a first year student, indicating their interest in this program on their application. Students that matriculate into Tandon as a first year student are ineligible to join. Application materials for this dual-degree program may be requested from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

The Academic Program

Students accepted into the program spend their first three years of study in the College of Arts and Science (CAS) at Washington Square (WSQ). In the first year at CAS, the different curricula call for many of the same courses. This gives students time to consult with faculty at both schools before committing themselves to a particular science/engineering major.

During freshman orientation, if they have not already done so, students select a major area for their study at CAS from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics. In their first year, students will have the opportunity to change this major and to reflect on their choice of engineering major. In the spring of the third year, an orientation program helps students prepare for the transition to NYU Tandon in the fourth year.

In the first three years of the program, students satisfy their core liberal arts requirements and also take some of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering courses required for their choice of engineering major. Students may elect to withdraw from the dual-degree program in engineering and complete only the College of Arts and Science general and major requirements at New York University. The final two years of study are undertaken at NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s site in Brooklyn where students complete the remaining technical courses required for their engineering major.

Articulation Agreements

To provide students with alternative pathways to a BS degree from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and to facilitate the transfer process, the School has developed cooperative programs with other institutions. Students completing approved programs at these institutions with sound academic achievement are guaranteed admission to the School. Students interested in learning more about the cooperative programs should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Currently, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering offers an articulation agreement with Brooklyn College.

Articulation with Brooklyn College

The present articulation between Brooklyn College and the NYU Tandon School of Engineering is for the first two years in the fields of Civil, Chemical, Computer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Further information may be obtained from Brooklyn College or the NYU Tandon’s Office of Academic Affairs.

Transfer Credits while in Residence

Undergraduates at NYU Tandon School of Engineering are expected to complete all coursework at the School. Exceptions are rare and only made in cases where NYU Tandon School of Engineering does not offer courses integral to the attainment of students’ academic goals.

To obtain credit for courses taken elsewhere while enrolled at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, students must obtain written permission from the major academic adviser, the department head of the course for which transfer credit is requested and the Office of Academic Affairs. This must be done before registering for the course at another institution. Forms for such permission are available on the Registrar’s website.

The following requirements apply to all courses taken outside of NYU:

  • The outside institution must be accredited.
  • Grades earned must be C or better for undergraduate courses.
  • Pass/fail courses are not acceptable under any conditions.
  • Only credits are granted; grades are omitted in computing cumulative or current semester GPAs.

Credit for Courses at Other Institutions or Schools/Divisions of New York University

Undergraduate students at the Tandon School of Engineering may complete coursework in other undergraduate divisions of New York University or outside institutions and have credits for these courses applied to their degree. Courses outside of Tandon require review from the students’ academic adviser. Non NYU courses require preapproval from the corresponding academic department, the students academic adviser, and the Tandon Academic Affairs Office.

Students may take a total of 4 courses or 16 credits in other divisions. Students seeking additional credits beyond the 4-course limit must inform their departmental advisor, who must request approval for these additional courses/credits via academic memo management (AMM). Exceptions may be made for students who are interested in completing more than 4 courses/16 credits only in extenuating circumstances.

Students must discuss with their departmental adviser before registering for courses in any other divisions of NYU or outside universities. Without consultation with and preapproval from an academic adviser, courses in other divisions that duplicate the contents of an NYU Tandon School of Engineering course or independent study courses do not count towards the Tandon degree. If a course is not preapproved, students will not receive credit for it. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic adviser regarding applicability of such courses towards degree requirements.

Your first cross-school minor, study abroad coursework, and courses offered at or by other schools that are required for a major here at Tandon do not count towards this 4 course/16 credit limit.

Also excluded from credit toward the degree are any courses taken in the School of Professional Studies once a student is matriculated in Tandon.

Undergraduate Validation Credits

When it is unclear whether a course taken outside of NYU Tandon School of Engineering is suitable for transfer credit, students may qualify for transfer credit by passing a validation examination. Permission to take such an examination must be recorded in advance on the student’s transfer evaluation form at the time of application to NYU. The format of the examination is at the discretion of the department giving the course. Scheduling of the examination is by mutual agreement, but in no event more than one calendar year after the student begins study at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. A grade of C or better is required to validate course credits for undergraduate students. An examination may not be taken more than once. Students who register for or attend the course at NYU Tandon School of Engineering forfeit the right to take a validation examination.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credits

NYU Tandon School of Engineering grants students credit for approved Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses in high school, given acceptable performance on AP and IB examinations. Students must request evaluation of AP and IB credits by no later than the end of their first semester of matriculation. Credit also may be granted for college preview courses at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering or other universities while a high-school student if these courses are relevant to the student’s degree program and acceptable grades were achieved. Grades for advanced placement, international baccalaureate, or college preview courses are omitted in computing the cumulative or current semester GPAs.

Credit by Examination

Undergraduate students with an outstanding record or with specialized competence may establish a maximum of 16 credits toward the baccalaureate degree by passing comprehensive examinations. Each department determines the courses in which such an examination is available and the examination format. Students must obtain the approval of the department giving the course, the department of major study, and the Office of Undergraduate Academics.

A grade of B+ or better is required to achieve credit by examination. Students registering for or attending a course at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering may not subsequently take the examination for credit for the course or for a course with similar content. The examination may be taken only once.

Students pay a fee to the Office of Records and Registration before each examination and will receive the form to take the exam after making the payment. The course and credits are posted on student’s permanent record without a grade and do not count toward the minimum-residence requirement for the bachelor’s degree or toward the GPA.

Undergraduate Thesis

The undergraduate thesis allows students to apply knowledge gained in their major field of interest and use it to plan, conduct and report original research. The thesis may be a discourse upon a subject included in students’ courses of study, an account of an original investigation or research, or a report on a project or an original design accompanied by an explanatory statement.

The undergraduate thesis is optional except for students in the Honors Program, who are required to complete an undergraduate thesis. All undergraduate students who plan to undertake a thesis should report to the head of their major department with their choice of a thesis topic at least one year before graduation. Department heads approve requests and appoint a thesis adviser. Students should contact their thesis adviser immediately and register for the thesis during the next registration period. Thereafter, the student must register for the thesis every fall and spring semester until it is completed and accepted and the final grade is entered into the student’s permanent record. A student must take a minimum of 3 credits of thesis work for an undergraduate thesis.

Students must submit a bound BS thesis to the Office of Undergraduate Academics as outlined in the document entitled “Regulations on Format, Duplication and Publication of Reports, Theses and Dissertations,” available in the Office of Undergraduate Academics. All theses and results obtained become the property of the School.


Internship Policies and Guidelines

The majority of undergraduate internship courses are designated by CP-UY. That being said, some departments have their own internship courses that are designated with the departmental subject area. Students should confer with their departments which course is the most suitable for their request.

These courses provide an opportunity for students to pursue internship and work experiences in varying fields of study that enhance and augment classroom learning, while also enhancing the overall educational experience by obtaining practical experience.

Eligibility and Requirements: Students

F-1 international students are required to complete at least two semesters of full-time study in the United States (U.S.) to be eligible for internship authorization. This may include time spent studying at another U.S. institution, including completion of a bachelor’s degree immediately prior to studying at NYU. Please contact the Office of Global Services for details on F-1 internship eligibility. These requirements do not apply to domestic students.

All undergraduate students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50, as reflected on their academic transcript. Students cannot enroll in internship courses if they have an incomplete grade in any course from a prior semester. Students cannot enroll in a subsequent internship course if they have an Incomplete or a Fail grade from a previous internship course. Students are allowed to complete a maximum of 6 credits of internship, via either CP or a departmental internship course.

Eligibility and Requirements: Work Experiences

During the academic year, work experiences must be at least 10 weeks long. During the summer, they must be at least 6 weeks long. Additionally, the work experience must be a minimum of 120 hours. Start and end dates need not coincide with the first and last day of the semester, but must fit within the semester in order to ensure that final reports may be submitted and grades may be submitted in a timely manner.

During the academic year, students cannot work more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session. During the summer, however, students are permitted to work full-time. Work hours should be discussed and agreed upon by the organization, the student, and the academic department.

Work experiences must comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (www.dol.gov/whd/flsa). As such, students must be paid at least minimum wage unless specific exceptions apply. The Department of Labor outlines a six-point test (www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs71.htm) regarding unpaid internships. Employers should consult their legal counsel for more information.

If receiving payment, students must be hired as employees of the participating organization and must be paid directly by the organization using a W-2 form. Employers cannot pay students as independent contractors using an IRS 1099 form.

Employers must agree to assign a responsible, ranking employee as the student’s supervisor. This individual will provide appropriate supervision and mentoring, including establishing clear goals and expectations regarding tasks and projects. Employers must be willing to submit written midterm and final evaluations of the student’s work. Experiences will not be approved for companies that are not permitted to submit written evaluations. Employer supervisors must review the student’s final report so that proprietary and/or confidential information can be removed.


All undergraduate students should follow the procedures put forth by their academic department in order to receive approval for the internship and enroll in an internship course. Students must obtain an offer letter on organization letterhead from the prospective employer. This letter must identify the company, its address, contact information, the student’s job title, and start and end dates of the internship.

Students will submit their offer letter and other required documents to their departmental adviser who will identify a suitable faculty adviser. The faculty adviser will be responsible for all academic matters related to the work experience. The faculty adviser will evaluate the relevancy of the work experience and, if approved, will direct the student to register for the appropriate internship course. Upon approval, students must submit internship information to the Department of Academic Affairs via the Undergraduate Internship Form.

For approved International students, the faculty adviser will provide the Office of Global Services (OGS) with all relevant information in order to process work authorization. International students cannot begin working until they have received work authorization.

The company supervisor must provide a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation to the faculty supervisor. The student will submit a project report at the end of the term. Some departments or programs may also require a presentation. The report (and presentation, if required) will be included as a part of the assessment for the student’s grade. Faculty advisers will provide guidelines for the reports.

With the faculty adviser’s approval, consecutive work experiences may be completed with the same employer. Students must complete the same registration process and follow all procedures for re-applying and enrolling in another internship course. International students must obtain prior permission from OGS for every period of employment. International students are not authorized to work during the interim period between the end of their prior CPT and the beginning of their next even if they will have an internship with the same company; this jeopardizes their visa status.


Graduation Checklist

Academic advisers of undergraduate students nearing completion of their degree requirements receive a graduation checklist that lists courses in progress and courses remaining to be completed for the degree. After the list is approved by the major academic department, the student receives an e-mail notifying them of their graduation status.

Application Process for the Bachelor of Science

To be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, students must file a formal graduation application via the Albert Student Center. Application deadline dates are published on the University Registrar’s website. Students who do not file by the published deadline date become candidates for the next conferral period.

Degrees are certified and diplomas issued three times a year, typically in January, May, and September. Commencement is held once a year, usually in May. All work for the degree must be completed and submitted before the graduation date.


Diplomas are mailed to the student about eight weeks after the degree conferral date. Diplomas are issued only once, subject to rare exceptions made on a case-by-case basis. Replacement diploma procedures and fees are published on the University Registrar’s website. Replacement diplomas for the NYU Tandon School of Engineering will be printed with the school name at the time of the student’s graduation.


The issuance of transcripts and generally the release of any information about a student are subject to the provisions of Public Law 93-380, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unless NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s disclosure policy permits otherwise, official transcripts of the scholastic record are issued only upon the submission of a written request or upon the submission of a signed release from the student.

Unofficial transcripts are available to students through the Albert Student Center. Those students without access to Albert may submit a written request for an unofficial transcript. A fee is charged for each unofficial or official transcript issued. Transcripts can be requested online.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering reserves the right to withhold a transcript if a student fails to meet financial indebtedness to the School.

Upon graduation, students should review their transcripts carefully and report any errors to the Office of the Registrar before the record is sealed.

Participation in Commencement

All students are permitted to participate in both the New York University Commencement Ceremony and the NYU Tandon School of Engineering Commencement Ceremony in May of each year.

There is a Dean’s Exception for the All-University Commencement whereby graduation candidates who have no more than two courses outstanding to complete their degrees may petition their school’s Dean of Student Affairs for eligibility to participate as long as these courses are completed by the end of the summer. Read more about the Dean’s Exception policy and process on the NYU Commencement website.

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering will follow the same guidelines set by the Commencement Office for participation in the May ceremony as a Dean’s Exception. That is to say, if a student is deemed a Dean’s exception for University-wide Commencement Ceremony, they are also permitted to participate in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering Commencement Ceremony. Please note that students with more than two courses outstanding will not be granted an exception and will be able to graduate in either September or January dependent upon when they complete their degree requirements. Please visit the NYU Registrar’s Graduation website for exact dates. Those students will then be able to participate in the May ceremonies of the following year.

Dean’s Exception Forms will be available to NYU Tandon School of Engineering students at the Office of Student Affairs (LC 232) each spring semester.


Class Standing for Undergraduates

Students are classified at the end of each semester by the Office of the Registrar on the basis of earned and/or approved transfer credits beginning September 1, as follows:

Freshmen 1 - 31.5 credits  
Sophomore 32 - 63.5 credits  
Junior 64 - 95.5 credits  
Senior 96 or more credits  

Academic Year Full Time

Undergraduate students registered for 12 or more credits per semester are categorized as full time. The normal course load for full-time undergraduate students is 14-18 credits.

For certain types of attendance and enrollment certifications, some students who are registered for less than 12 (undergraduate) credits may be certified as full time-specifically undergraduates pursuing Institute-authorized full-time, full-semester co-op work assignments. A form to establish full-time equivalency is available from the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Academic Year Part Time

Students registered for less than 12 credits per semester (except summer) are categorized as part time. Part-time students pay tuition at the prevailing per-credit rate and are ineligible for most financial assistance and scholarship programs.

Summer and Intersession

Students may register for up to 8 credits during each six-week summer term and for no more than 16 credits for the combined 12-week summer term. Six credits for a given summer term is considered full-time status.


Undergraduate International Students

Full-Time Status, Program and Degree Changes, Employment

To maintain non-immigrant student status, international students must enroll full time, taking at least 12 credits on the undergraduate level for each fall and spring semester. Moreover, they may only register for one online course per semester. Students wishing to take more than one online course per semester must obtain prior approval from the Office of Global Services (OGS). Students may take less than a full course of study if fewer credits are needed during the last semester to graduate or for valid academic and medical reasons. All reasons for exceptions must be approved in writing by OGS before the last day of late registration each semester so that courses can be added to students’ schedules if necessary.

Students in F-1 and J-1 status must obtain written permission from OGS to withdraw from classes, if the withdrawal will result in less than a full-time course load, or to take a leave of absence. They must also obtain written permission and a pertinent I-20/DS-2019 form from OGS before enrolling in a new degree program. The process of withdrawing from a course, changing degree level, or taking a leave of absence through the Office of the Registrar keeps a non-immigrant student in good standing only with the School, but not with the U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS). In addition, students who plan to work as part of their coursework or as part of an internship placement are required to obtain prior approval from OGS for any such employment.

Failure to comply with the immigration requirements for full-time status, course withdrawals, degree changes, and/or leave of absence and employment violates the nonimmigrant student status and makes a student ineligible for any benefit of that status. According to the USCIS, lack of compliance may also result in deportation.


Policies on Undergraduate Grading and Grades

Computing the Grade-Point Average (GPA)

The Office of the Registrar determines the GPA of undergraduate students according to the following numerical values assigned to letter grades:

  Point Value Description  

  A 4.000 Excellent  
  A- 3.667 Excellent  
  B+ 3.333 Good  
  B 3.000 Good  
  B- 2.667 Good  
  C+ 2.333 Satisfactory  
  C 2.000 Satisfactory  
  C- 1.667 Satisfactory  
  D+ 1.333 Minimum Passing Grade  
  D 1.000 Minimum Passing Grade  
  F 0.000 Failure  
  S   Satisfactory  
  U   Unsatisfactory Progress  
  W   Withdrew Officially  
  I   Incomplete (converts to F after 180 days)  
  AUD   Auditor Status  
  P   Passing  
  NR   No record  

In computing GPAs, NYU Tandon School of Engineering does not consider or count courses graded W, I, S, or U toward the total credits passed or earned. GPAs are computed by multiplying the numerical grade in each course by the number of credits for each course, adding these products for the courses taken and then dividing this sum by total number of credits represented by courses considered.

The W and I grades are described in greater detail in subsequent sections. Grades S or U are used to indicate progress in multi-semester research projects or theses, or for non credit-bearing remedial or other courses. Undergraduates enrolled in graduate courses may not receive grades of D or AUD.

Course Withdrawal: The W Grade

Students may withdraw from a course or courses without academic penalty until the published withdrawal deadline of the normal fall or spring semester. Students should process their own withdrawals online via the Albert Student Center. No approvals are required, but students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisers as withdrawing from certain courses may delay their planned graduation date. When the course duration varies from the norm, such as in six-, nine- or 12-week courses, withdrawal must be completed before two-thirds of the sessions are completed. Withdrawals must be processed online by 11:59 p.m. on the withdrawal deadline indicated on the published Academic Calendar. Withdrawn courses remain on the student’s transcript with a grade of W and are not calculated into the GPA. Once entered on the student’s record, a W cannot be changed to any other grade. An F grade is recorded for any student who ceases to attend a course without formally withdrawing in the required fashion by the required deadline. Students are also encouraged to consult with Financial Aid before withdrawing from a course, as it may affect their status and eligibility for aid.

Auditing Classes

Undergraduate students may be allowed to audit certain classes in order to fill the gap which may exist in their prior course work. Approval of the academic department is required prior to auditing a class. The credits for the course do not count as a part of the student’s semester credit load. Students auditing a course will not receive a grade for the course and the course will be annotated by AUD without counting towards student’s GPA calculations. Students who decide to audit a class must do so during their initial registration for the class by filling out the form available from the Office of the Registrar; this option cannot be changed once selected. Note that these courses must still be paid for.

Incomplete Grades

If a student cannot complete coursework at the requested time due to a valid reason, such as an illness or other critical emergency, the instructor may give a grade of Incomplete/I. In such cases, the instructor and the student must develop a detailed plan for completion which includes a specific completion date. Ordinarily, this date should not extend beyond the intersession, in fairness to students who finish course requirements on time and to ensure that students complete prerequisites for advanced courses. An I grade lapses into an F if the student fails to complete the work within the specified completion time line, or at most by 180 days after the end of the semester in which the I was given. All I grades must be converted before graduation.

The grade of Incomplete/I is used sparingly and only in cases with valid reasons, not merely because students have planned poorly or overloaded themselves. An I grade should not be issued if a student is unable to complete the course requirements without attending or participating in the course a second time. If the student re-registers for a course in which an I grade was given, the I grade lapses to an F. If successful resolution of an I grade would require the repetition of any course or portion of a course, the student should consider formally withdrawing from the course.

Change of Grade

Grades on file with the Registrar at the end of the semester, with the exception of incomplete (I) and temporary grades (S or U), are considered final unless an error in calculating or recording the grade is discovered.  No correctly reported final grade may be changed based upon re-taking an examination or completion of additional work. Incomplete (I) grades are handled according to the policies described under Incomplete Grades. Temporary grades (S or U), used for continuing projects, thesis or dissertation, will be converted to standard letter grades upon completion of the project, thesis or dissertation. Once recorded with the Registrar, these grades are treated as all other final grades. If an error in calculating or reporting a grade is discovered, the instructor will submit the change of grade request to the Department Chair. Upon approval of the Department Chair, the request will be submitted to the appropriate Associate Dean for approval. Any incorrectly assigned grade must be corrected within one semester.

Repeating Courses

If an undergraduate student takes a course two or more times, only the second and subsequent grades will count toward their GPA. This policy holds regardless of the first and second grades earned, even when the second grade is lower than the first. The repeated course must be taken within one year of the first course, or at the first time it is offered, where a course is unavailable to repeat within one year. If the student first repeats the course more than one year after taking it initially, and the course has been offered, all grades earned in the course will be counted in the student’s GPA. If a student earns a passing grade and subsequently fails the course, the passing grade can be used to satisfy degree requirements.

No undergraduate course may be repeated more than twice, for a total of three attempts. If a student earns an F grade in each of their three attempts in a prerequisite course or a degree requirement, the student is then academically disqualified.

Grade Appeal Process

Grades on file with the Registrar, with the exception of Incomplete/I grades and temporary grades (S or U), are considered final unless an error in calculating or recording the grade is discovered, or if it is determined that the student was graded unfairly due to personal prejudice. No correctly reported final grade may be changed based upon re-taking an examination or completion or submission of work beyond the last day of the term.

Final grades may be appealed only under the following circumstances:

a) If there has been an error on the instructor’s part in calculating or recording your grade; or b) If the student believes that the instructor graded unfairly due to personal prejudice. The instructor’s judgment of the quality of a student’s submitted work may not be appealed.

If a student believes they have received an inappropriate grade, based on the criteria enumerated above, they may appeal in writing to the instructor for a grade change. The deadline for appealing a grade to the course instructor is the add/drop deadline of the semester following the semester in which the grade was given. The instructor will consider the appeal and respond to the student in writing, stating their reasons for their decision and copying the Department Chair. If the instructor agrees with the appeal and decides to change the original grade, they must submit a grade change in Albert. The grade change will need to be approved online by the department chair and the Associate Dean for Academics.

A student may appeal an instructor’s decision in writing to their Department Chair, using the same criteria enumerated above.  A Chair may not substitute their own judgment of the quality of a student’s work for that of the instructor’s. The Chair will review the submitted evidence, consult with the instructor, and render a decision in writing, stating their reasons for their decision and copying both the student and the instructor.

The student or instructor may appeal the Chair’s decision in writing to the Student Affairs Committee, a standing committee of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.  The only possible basis of such an appeal are that the Department Chair did not review the submitted evidence, did not consult with the instructor, did not render a decision in writing, or there is evidence of personal prejudice on the part of the Chair. The Committee will review the submitted evidence and render a final, written decision in the matter. There is no appeal of a decision rendered by the Student Affairs Committee.


Undergraduate Academic Standing and Probation

Dean’s List

Undergraduate students who achieve a term GPA of 3.4 or higher in both the fall and spring semesters over the course of an academic year (Fall and Spring semesters only), with no grades of F, I or U for the semester, and are otherwise in good academic standing, are commended by the Office of Academic Affairs and placed on the Dean’s List. This list is posted following the spring semester each year. Only those who complete 12 or more credits during the fall and spring semester are eligible. Students who include project courses in their 12 or more credit programs are also eligible, provided that these courses represent no more than one-half of the credit load for a given period and all of the aforementioned requirements are met. Non-degree credit courses, such as EXPOS-UA 13, may count toward the 12-credit requirement. The Dean’s List notation appears on the student’s permanent record. Students who receive a grade of F and then repeat the course in a subsequent semester, thereby excluding the first grade from the GPA calculation, are not eligible for the Dean’s List. However, students who convert a grade of I to a regular letter grade or receive a change of grade after a given semester that would then qualify them for the Dean’s List may retroactively receive Dean’s List honors by bringing the change to the attention of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Any change of grade should be finalized within one semester to be considered for the Dean’s list.

General Academic Standing

To remain in good academic standing, undergraduate students must maintain term and cumulative GPAs of 2.0 or greater. In addition, students must successfully complete a minimum number of credits for each semester of full-time study, excluding summers and mini-sessions. In the case of part-time students, a semester indicates the point at which 12 or more credits are undertaken. Thus, the first semester of study ends when 12 credits are accumulated; the second semester is calculated from that time onward until 24 credits are accumulated. According to these semester equivalents, grade-point requirements for part-time students follow those for full-time students.

The minimum number of cumulative credits to be achieved by the close of each semester of full-time study appears in the following table.

Minimum Credits and Minimum GPA Required by Semester of Full-Time Study

Number of Full-time Semesters Completed Minimum Required Cum Grade Point Average Minimum Credits to be Earned
1 1.50* 8
2 1.50* 16
3 1.50* 28
4 1.67 40
5 1.78 56
6 1.88 68
7 1.95 84
>8 2.00 96

* Any time a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 1.5 they are placed on Final Probation regardless of how many credits they have completed.

In calculating the number of successfully completed credits:

  1. Courses for which a student received an F grade do not count toward the minimum credits earned.
  2. If a student receives an F grade in a course which they repeat within one academic year, their GPA will be recalculated using the second grade earned and the first grade of F will be removed from the GPA calculation.
  3. Credits with an I grade will be counted toward enrollment for one year. Thereafter, any I grade that has not been changed by the instructor on record will automatically become an F grade.
  4. Credits assigned a W grade do not appear in the calculation of credits undertaken, earned or successfully completed.
  5. Transfer students will enter this table from the point at which their transfer credits place them.

A second requisite for enrollment is the maintenance of a 2.0 GPA or better or performance approaching 2.0 in a steady and realistic fashion. The table above contains the absolute minimum cumulative GPA to be achieved by the close of each semester of full-time or full-time equivalent enrollment.

The Office of Academic Affairs regularly monitors all undergraduate students, reviews their academic records after each semester, and informs students’ academic adviser or other representatives from the their major department of the results of that review. Students identified as being in academic difficulty may not register for more than 12 credits per semester unless otherwise approved by their adviser. Students in academic difficulty are placed on academic probation following the steps and actions described below.

Academic Warning

Students whose midterm grades show they are in danger of failing a course receive e-mails of academic warning. The e-mails provide guidance for the student and invite them to meet with their academic adviser to discuss their academic performance and what steps to take to complete their course(s) successfully.


Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation when (1) their semester and/or cumulative GPAs fall below 2.0, but remain above the minimum standards as outlined above or (2) their number of successfully completed credits falls below the minimum standards as outlined above. Students falling into these categories are notified and directed to meet with their advisers.  Students placed on academic probation are limited to a maximum of 18 credits per semester while on probation, unless otherwise approved by their adviser and the Office of Academic Affairs.

All first-year, first-time probationary students must enroll in SL 1020, the Academic Skills Seminar. The seminar consists of eight one-hour sessions, meeting weekly and taken on a pass/fail basis. SL 1020 helps students develop and enhance an awareness of their individual learning styles, study skills and time management techniques so they may be more successful students and return to good academic standing. Topics include establishing a mind-set for success, discussing career opportunities, setting goals, managing time, overcoming procrastination, learning study and test-taking skills and self assessing. SL 1020 is offered in small, interactive group sessions to support students as they develop strategies for academic success.

Final Probation

Students whose academic record indicates an unacceptable level of academic progress may be placed on final probation. Notified of their standing, these students must meet with their adviser to determine a study program and are limited to a maximum of 12 credits while on final probation to improve their academic performance. Should a final probation student need additional credits to satisfy the full-time requirement, he or she may be allowed to register for another course with the approval their adviser and the Office of Academic Affairs, but will be limited to a maximum of 14 credits.  Academic Disqualification results from failure to improve performance and to meet the minimum progress requirements as outlined in the minimum-progress table above.


The Academic Standing Committee, comprised of members of the Office of Academic Affairs, faculty and a representative of the student’s major department, shall jointly disqualify from the School any student whose cumulative GPA or number of credits successfully completed falls below the approved minimum shown in the above table for two consecutive semesters. Additionally, a major department may disqualify a student at or above the minimum listed if it is indicated that continuation will not lead to a successful completion of degree requirements. If a student is disqualified, they will be notified via e-mail.

Extenuating circumstances, such as serious medical problems (physical or psychological), must be documented by the Office of Student Affairs and can lead to a one-semester waiver of these criteria. Performance in the subsequent semester must meet minimum standards. Such arrangements must be made with the head of the major department and the Office of Student Affairs.

No undergraduate course may be repeated more than twice, for a total of three attempts. If a student earns an F grade in each of their three attempts in a prerequisite course or a degree requirement, the student is then academically disqualified.

Disqualification Appeal

Students who would like to appeal their academic disqualification may begin the appeal process immediately. Students must begin the disqualification appeal process a minimum of three weeks before the first day of classes of the semester immediately following their disqualification. If students do not begin the appeal process by this deadline they must wait until the next semester before they can reapply for readmission to the School and initiate the appeal process.


Leave of Absence and Withdrawal from the School

Leave of Absence

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering expects its students to maintain continuous registration in an academic program. However, the school recognizes that it is sometimes necessary or desirable for a student to take a leave from enrollment for a period of time. Should extenuating circumstances necessitate time away from the university, students are encouraged to consider a leave of absence. The duration of the leave will be a minimum of one academic semester, or an equivalent four month period, to a maximum of two academic semesters or the equivalent in months (8 months). A leave does not extend the time period permitted for obtaining a degree. The Leave of Absence policy may not be used in lieu of disciplinary action to address any violations of University rules, regulations, policies, or practices, nor may it be used in lieu of academic probation or disqualification.

Medical Leave of Absence

If a student and physician agree that a medical leave of absence is in the student’s best interest, a physician should make a recommendation to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering for a withdrawal from the semester and a leave of absence. To officially request a leave, the student must submit a Medical Leave of Absence Request Form, along with appropriate supporting documentation, to the Office of Student Affairs, which is located in the Dibner Building (5 MetroTech Center).

A request for a medical leave of absence must be accompanied by documentation from a health care provider and may require additional evaluation by the Medical Services Division of the Student Health Center. A leave is official only after the student receives final written approval from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. This letter will clarify the steps necessary for reentry into the School of Engineering. Please feel free to contact the Office of Student Affairs (646.997.3918) regarding inquiries related to medical leave of absences.

Psychological Leave of Absence

If a student needs to request a psychological leave of absence, he or she must schedule an appointment with a counselor at the University Counseling and Wellness Services Center by calling 646.997.3456. Counseling and Wellness Services is located within the basement of Roger’s Hall (6 MetroTech Center).

Should the student and counselor agree that a leave of absence is in the student’s best interest, the counselor should make a recommendation to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at the School of Engineering for a withdrawal from the semester and a leave of absence. To officially request a leave, the student must submit a Medical Leave of Absence Request Form to the Office of Student Affairs, which is located in the Dibner Building (5 MetroTech Center), Room LC 232.

A leave is official only after the student receives final written approval from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. This letter will clarify the steps necessary for reentry into the School of Engineering. Please feel free to contact the Office of Student Affairs (646.997.3918) regarding inquiries related to psychological leaves of absences.

Personal Leave of Absence

A personal leave of absence may be requested for reasons unrelated to medical or psychological conditions. Personal leaves are voluntary and apply to issues related to national service or personal circumstances. The NYU Tandon School of Engineering is committed to handling requests for personal leaves in a reasonable manner. Please note that personal leaves will not be granted for graduate students who are not in good academic standing with the University.

To officially request a personal leave of absence, the student must submit a Personal Leave of Absence Request online via the Albert Student Center.

A personal leave is official only after the student receives final approval from the Office of the University Registrar. This letter will clarify the steps necessary for reentry into the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Please feel free to contact the Office of Records & Registration regarding inquiries related to personal leave of absences.

Applying for a Leave of Absence

As a general rule, leave of absences must be requested prior to the first day of the classes. Thereafter, requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please note that leaves are not granted retroactively for past semesters.

After the conclusion of the Drop/Add period, students withdrawing for the term will receive grades of W in all courses. The grade of Incomplete is not possible for a student on leave, and the student is not permitted to make up work for courses after a W is assigned, as it is a terminal grade. Students on leave of absence are not permitted to receive credit for any coursework completed outside of the university while on leave.

Returning from a Medical Leave of Absence

If the reason for a leave was medical or psychological, the student must follow the steps outlined in the letter provided by the Office of Student Affairs.

Returning from a Personal Leave of Absence

A student granted a personal leave of absence does not need to submit a formal application for readmission as long as he or she returns to the School within the agreed-upon time. Any student who fails to resume studies after the expiration of an approved leave of absence will be discontinued and would have to apply for readmission. Please note that readmission is never guaranteed.

Important Related Issues

Students should be aware that a leave of absence may affect financial aid, University housing, and future student status. While on leave, students are responsible for meeting all financial aid and housing deadlines relevant to returning students. Students receiving federal loans (SSL, SLS, and Perkins) should note that a leave of absence does not certify one as an enrolled student for the purpose of loan deferral. The contact information for relevant offices can be found below.

  • NYU Housing - If you reside in University housing, you should contact the NYU Housing at housing@nyu.edu to determine how the leave may impact your housing license and future ability to participate in the housing lottery.
  • Financial Aid - Students are advised to find out how the leave of absence may affect their scholarship and financial aid award. Please contact the Financial Aid Office within Student Link at the Dibner Building (5 MetroTech Center), Room 201 or at financial.aid@nyu.edu to clarify your responsibilities and status.
  • Tuition - If a student is granted a leave after the semester has begun, the same graduated refund schedule applying to withdrawal from classes is in effect. For the graduated refund schedule and policies, please refer to the Refund Schedule posted online. The refund schedule is strictly enforced.
  • Office of Global Services - International Students should contact the Office of Global Services immediately for information regarding visas and exit deadlines. Please contact OGS by visiting their office at the Dibner Building (5 MetroTech Center), Room 259 or by calling them at 646.997.3805 for more information.


Total Withdrawal

Undergraduate students must notify the Office of Records and Registration if they elect to withdraw from the University prior to the published deadline and during a semester in which they are registered. No total withdrawal is official unless the online form, which is available via the Albert Student Center, is submitted and approved by the Office of the Registrar. Mere absence from courses does not constitute official withdrawal, but will lead to F grades recorded for courses not completed. To receive W grades for the semester, the withdrawal must be completed by the withdrawal deadline indicated on the academic calendar.

Involuntary Withdrawal

NYU Tandon School of Engineering is concerned about the health, safety and well-being of its students. Students judged to be a threat to themselves or to others may be withdrawn involuntarily from the Tandon School of Engineering. The School seeks, whenever possible, to allow such students to continue as active students if they agree to undergo professional care. Full details on this policy are available from the Office of Student Affairs.

Automatic Withdrawal

Undergraduates who do not file a formal leave of absence and who are not continuously enrolled are automatically withdrawn from the University. Students in this category must apply for readmission. If readmission is granted, students will be governed by the catalog and rules in effect at the time of readmission.


Students applying for readmission must apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Applications for readmission will be sent to the student’s academic department for evaluation. The academic department in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs and Associate Dean of Academics will determine whether the student is eligible to continue his/her studies at NYU Tandon School of Engineering.