2011-2013 Catalog (without addenda) 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2011-2013 Catalog (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Career Management Center

The Career Management Center and the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development will connect you with leading companies that are searching for highly skilled, market-ready individuals prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Our offices help undergraduate and graduate students seek positions where their refined technical, analytical and communication skills can best be put to use.

Career Counseling and Career Development Seminars

Knowing how to conduct an internship or job search is key to landing the opportunity you want. Through one-on-one career counseling and group seminars, NYU-Poly students acquire effective job search skills designed to complement their successful in-classroom experiences. Writing an effective resume, preparing for a career fair and acing the interview are just some of the topics addressed by career center staff.

Internship Opportunities

Internships allow students to gain real-world experience, while giving employers a chance to identify future talent. Students are encouraged to participate in one or more internships before they graduate, demonstrating to employers NYU-Poly’s high standards of excellence. These professional experiences give students an edge over the competition and have the potential to turn into full-time opportunities following graduation.

NYU Careernet, Career Fairs and On-Campus Recruiting

NYU-Poly students can connect to NYU CareerNet, our online internship and job search engine. Using this valuable database, students can submit a cover letter and resume directly to employers. Additionally, internship and job seekers can meet with hiring companies at career fairs and even arrange on-campus interviews with these employers. Participating companies range from small entrepreneurial start-ups to mid-sized businesses to internationally recognized major corporations.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Helping Students Achieve Maximum Potential

CAPS offers free, confidential psychological services to all NYU-Poly students. College can be a stressful time, and students can face a range of difficulties that can interfere with their ability to succeed academically or function at their best. For example, many students struggle with concentration, test anxiety, sadness, lack of motivation and difficulties with family or friends that can interfere with their NYU-Poly experience. The CAPS staff is available to meet with students and help resolve these issues. Staff members provide information and support to help students solve problems, achieve goals and feel better.

Students can make an appointment by calling (718) 260-3456, emailing counseling@poly.edu or dropping by the center.

CAPS is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Throughout the year, CAPS offers workshops on meditation, stress reduction, relationships and getting a good night’s sleep. Workshops are advertised on the CAPS website, in the Polytechnic calendar, and through campus e-mail blasts.

For more information about CAPS and its services, visit www.poly.edu/life/health/counseling. On the site, students also can link to a variety of online screenings to anonymously answer questions to determine whether they (or a fellow student) show signs of common mental-health problems like depression, anxiety, substance abuse or posttraumatic stress.

Updated information on participation in NYU-sponsored activities and services is available on the website.

International Students and Scholars

Graduate and undergraduate international students come from more than 60 countries, make up 40 percent of the student body and are an integral part of the NYU Poly community. All new international students and visiting scholars (researchers and faculty) are required to report with immigration documents, including I-20s, DS-2019s and passports, to the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) immediately upon arrival. In addition, all new students and scholars must attend a mandatory orientation held at the start of every semester.

The office provides information and counseling regarding immigration compliance, travel, employment, acculturation, housing, health insurance and special events. International students, researchers and faculty may contact the office in person or by telephone, and are encouraged to attend on-site workshops offered at designated times during the academic year. All international students, research scholars and faculty are required to carry health insurance.

For additional information on admissions and academic requirements, please consult those sections dealing with undergraduate and graduate admissions and academic programs and policies.

Study Abroad

The opportunity to study abroad provides students a chance to experience life in countries rich in history, culture and accomplishment. Immersion experience in another culture strengthens understanding of the world and appreciation of international contribution to knowledge. It offers an opportunity to learn how to cope in international environment and communicate across barriers of language, custom, geography and politics. Skills developed during this experience add an invaluable dimension to the quality of a well-rounded education that ultimately enhances professional and personal endeavors in the developing global community.

Students may apply for short-term study, a semester, or a full academic year abroad. Students may select from one of 50 institutions around the world with which Polytechnic has direct-exchange agreements, as well as NYU Study Abroad sites.

Participation in the study-abroad program is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students are eligible after one year of academic study so long as they maintain a 2.5 GPA. While these are the minimum Polytechnic requirements to participate in the program, host institutions will make their own determinations about admissibility.

Academic credits earned during study abroad are transferable to Polytechnic and may be applied to degree requirements subject to institute policies and the approval of the student’s major department. For additional information contact OISS.

Programs and Services for the First-Year Students

Freshman Programs

The Institute is committed to improving the persistence and performance of first-year students by helping them to acclimate to their intended academic discipline, its associative culture and student life at Polytechnic. Achieving this goal requires diverse and dynamic collaborative efforts with constituencies across the campus community. These systemic partnerships yield a greater sense of cohesion to the programs and services for first-year students.

Programs and services in this area include first-year advisement, faculty-student mentoring, early alert and academic probation initiatives, first-year instructors meetings and parent outreach.

Academic Advising Center

The mission of the Academic Advisement Center (AAC) is to provide centralized advising for incoming, matriculated first-year students. The staff advises students on major requirements and Institute regulations and refers them to campus resources. In addition, academic advisers advocate for students with Polytechnic offices and help students deal with issues. The ultimate goal of the AAC is to empower students to make informed decisions about their academic careers.

Faculty-Student Mentoring

The purpose of the mentoring program is to provide first-year students with the academic capital needed to acclimate to the academic community, their intended major and future profession. Early and continuing contact with faculty allows students to form mutually beneficial relationships with faculty members during their first year of college. Understanding how to partner with faculty members is a skill that benefits students throughout their academic careers.

Benefits of the mentoring program for first-year students extend beyond connecting with faculty members at an earlier stage in their academic career.

Additional benefits include:

  • Increased likelihood of persisting beyond the first year;
  • Increased understanding of the intended major;
  • Increased satisfaction with the college experience; and
  • Improved communication and interpersonal skills.

Benefits experienced by the faculty include:

  • Deeper understanding of the collective and individual concerns of first-year students;
  • Increased visibility among the first-year students; and
  • Improved access to and contact with students outside the classroom.

Early Alert and Academic Probation

Each semester requests are sent to first-year instructors asking for feedback on their students’ academic progress. Students at risk of not passing their course(s), based on their current progress, are notified of their academic status and encouraged to meet with their instructor(s) and academic adviser to remedy the situation. At these meetings, students have the opportunity to think critically about the behaviors contributing to their status, while being invited to take advantage of the various support services to help them maximize their academic experiences.

All first-year, first-time probationary students must register for and pass SL 1020 Academic Skills Seminar. The course consists of eight one-hour sessions, which meet once a week, and is taught on a pass/fail basis. The seminar helps students learn to become more academically successful. The “Academic Probation ” section of the catalog contains more information about this course.

First-Year Instructors

A meeting is held once a semester with a cross-section of the instructors teaching first-year courses and staff members from the academic support offices. These meetings inform participants of recent curriculum and instructional changes, academic policy updates and any modifications to the cadre of services offered by the academic support programs. In addition, these meetings act as a “pulse check” of the issues first-year students are encountering and how these challenges are expressed in academic and communal parts of the Institute.

Parent Outreach

Educating parents on the academic experiences of first-year students is a critical step in forming an effective partnership between the Institute and family members. Parents Meetings are hosted each semester, providing family members with an opportunity to speak directly with faculty, administrators and students about the majors and support services available to students.

New Student Orientation

Polytechnic seeks to ease new students’ transition to their new educational environment with a variety of programs that orient and welcome new students every semester. These programs are housed under the New Student Orientation (NSO) umbrella, and are a result of the collaborative efforts between Student and Academic Affairs. NSO programming covers a broad array of topics that not only help students gain a better understanding of student life in academic and social spaces, but also signals to the Institute the arrival of the newest members to the community.

Residence Life

A residence-life program is an integral part of college life and can greatly enhance students’ college experience. Resident students become members of a supportive peer community in an academic environment that offers opportunities to fully develop academically and socially. Residence life helps students develop personal responsibility as it supports them in meeting their academic goals. The Polytechnic Institute of NYU is committed to providing safe and affordable housing for students interested in a residence-life experience.

Campus housing is available for all students. NYU-Poly does not provide housing for students’ families. Inquiries about campus housing should be made to the Office of Residence Life at (718) 260-4160.

Campus Housing Facility

On the Brooklyn campus, the Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Residence Hall is a 20-story building that houses more than 400 students in two-bedroom suites and two-bedroom apartments with kitchenettes. Each room has Internet and cable TV ports. This innovative building is wireless and includes student lounges, study rooms, laundry facilities, outdoor space and 24-hour security. Two full-time professional residence-life staff members work with graduate and undergraduate student resident assistants and security personnel.

The Clark Residence is connected to the St. George Residence - Weller Building and Studio Building - and occupies the site of the former St. George Hotel in one of New York City’s most desirable neighborhoods, Brooklyn Heights. Just one subway stop from lower Manhattan, the Clark Residence is within walking distance to NYU-Poly’s MetroTech campus, shopping, dining on Montague Street and a short walk to the Brooklyn Promenade, home to breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline.

Each single, double and triple fully-furnished room in the Clark Residence offers a TV, DVD player, high-speed internet, refrigerator, microwave and bathroom. The residence features lounges, a pool table, public computers, communal kitchens and a complimentary membership to the four-star Eastern Athletic Club.

Campus Housing Requirements

All students living on-campus are required to be full-time NYU-Poly students and Othmer residents are required to be on the Institute meal plan. For security purposes, all resident students are mandated to have a cell phone and sign-up for the Emergency Text Alert system (E2campus).

Student Development: Activities, Advocacy, Leadership

Department of Student Development

The Department of Student Development is a part of the Division of Student Affairs and is concerned with the holistic education and development of all Polytechnic students, inside and outside the classroom. The department helps students to assemble their educational, personal and professional development puzzle—from orientation to commencement. Student Development provides a variety of programs and support that enhance the first-year student transition, develop student leadership excellence, promote campus community citizenship, foster campus-wide diversity awareness and provide general student advocacy.

New Student Programs

NYU-Poly seeks to ease the transition for students into their new environment with a variety of programs designed to orient and welcome new students. These programs are generally held before the fall and spring semesters.

New Student Orientation (NSO)

Orientation is designed with a variety of offices throughout the Institute and student Orientation Leaders to welcome all new students to the Polytechnic community and to introduce them to the various campus offices, programs and resources that lead to student success.

New Student Orientation introduces new students to the NYU-Poly community and offers opportunities for incoming first-year and transfer students to complete their enrollment activities well before classes begin. Students will receive the information and tools needed to successfully acclimate to the NYU-Poly environment and become an active member of the academic community. Orientation programs are designed around the objectives of familiarizing students with their intended major; increasing understanding of the first-year curriculum and its connection to the academic discipline; and familiarizing new students with critical on-campus first-year support networks.

The overall goal is to create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm around the students’ majors, while demystifying preconceived notions about majors and college life. The program is coordinated by a team of administrators, faculty and students who welcome new students to the NYU-Poly community.

New Student Convocation

New Student Convocation is the first major academic program new students experience as members of the Polytechnic community. At convocation, new students are inducted into the NYU-Poly academic community and pledge to abide by the Institute Code of Conduct, refrain from academic dishonesty, respect intellectual property, participate actively in their education and uphold the exemplary reputation of the NYU-Poly alumni.

New Student Camp Experience (NSCE)

All new first-year and transfer students are invited to attend an overnight trip to a campsite in upstate New York. The New Student Camp Experience (NSCE) is offered during the week before classes begin and helps new students make friends, become comfortable with their new classmates and meet some key administrators and student leaders who will be vital to their success at NYU-Poly. The NSCE is considered one of the most memorable highlights of the NYU-Poly experience.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Polytechnic Institute of NYU supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. In this regard, it makes every effort to provide full and barrier-free program accessibility.

NYU-Poly is committed to assisting students with disabilities in developing the personal and academic skills necessary to participate fully in student programs. To that end, services are provided to students with disabilities based on individual needs. The Institute is particularly interested in helping students to become effective self-advocates.

Accommodations for students with disabilities do not include the waiving of academic course requirements.

Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the Department of Student Development whether or not services are requested. If necessary, students can request services by meeting with Student Development staff and submitting supporting documentation. Visit the NYU-Poly web site at www.poly.edu/disabilities for more details.

Student Activities and Leadership Development

Student activities are an integral part of the educational process. Participation in student activities fosters the development of leadership and interpersonal skills. NYU-Poly believes that student activities broaden the academic experience. The Institute encourages every student to take part actively in co- and extracurricular student activities, which promote and produce a balanced educational experience. The NYU-Poly website offers updated information on participation in NYU-sponsored activities and services.

Student Council

The Student Council is the undergraduate student voice and governing body at NYU-Poly. The Council is the umbrella organization for all student clubs and organizations. It is responsible for administering student activities fees, social and cultural programming and other co- and extracurricular activities.

Student Clubs, Organizations and Fraternities

There are more than 45 student organizations, honors societies and fraternities at NYU-Poly. Each group is responsible for fulfilling the purposes of the organization as set forth in its constitution, charter or business plan. Student organization documents are filed with the Office of Student Activities and the Student Council. New groups and organizations can be created by complying with the procedures set by the Student Council. The Student Council and Department of Student Development publish a list of student organizations at the beginning of each academic year.

Professional and technical societies are established in conjunction with various academic departments to enhance the curricula at NYU-Poly. These student chapters are branches of national parent organizations. In chapter meetings, members hear distinguished guest speakers, plan field trips, read professional papers and work on technical projects. As a part of the clubs and organization framework under the auspices of the Student Council, these chapters are funded, in part, by student activities fees.

NYU-Poly has student organizations to suit almost every interest, whether social, intellectual, religious, musical, cultural or athletic. Many of the organizations have long and distinguished histories.

NYU-Poly has four social and service fraternities. These organizations hold an impressive array of social functions for their members and serve the NYU-Poly community through blood donation drives, annual charity drives, athletic tournaments, parties and more.

For a listing of current student clubs and organizations and fraternities, visit www.poly.edu/life/clubs/student.

Orientation Leader Program

The Orientation Leader Program is comprised of upper-level, enthusiastic student volunteers who want to share their love of NYU-Poly with new students. Orientation Leaders (OLs) are selected during the spring semester and train to run new student orientation programs (include the New Student Camp Experience—NSCE). More information about the OL Program can be found at www.poly.edu/life/student/leadership.

Peer Counselor Program

The Peer Counselor Team is a group of upper-level students who assist first-year students in making the transition from high school to college. The program includes extensive leadership training during summer months with in-service training throughout the academic year. The Peer Counselor interview and selection process occurs early each spring semester for the following academic year. More information about the Peer Counselor Program can be found at www.poly.edu/peer-counselors.

Other Programs

The Student Development also coordinates or assists with other programs such as health fairs, graduation fairs, the annual Poly Pride Day celebration, Commencement and the Commencement and Achievement Awards Ceremony.

Student Advocacy

The Department of Student Development plays a vital role in supporting and encouraging students who are faced with challenging situations during their student careers. It is one of several places where students can get confidential help. As student advocates, the staff of the Department of Student Development works with various other offices to help students solve problems and develop self-advocacy skills.

Absence Notification to Faculty

It is important for instructors to know when students are experiencing difficulty that might interfere with their studies. However, it is also important that student personal issues be kept confidential. Therefore, Student Development is designated to receive documentation regarding private matters. Documentation is required for an official verification notice to be sent to instructors. The notice informs the instructor that necessary documentation has been received but does not disclose personal details. Notification can be provided for the following extenuating circumstances: death in the family, medical conditions and illnesses, other emergencies and situations, and representing the NYU-Poly at conferences.

Student Grievances and Complaints

Student Development is one of the offices where student grievances and complaints are heard and action is taken on behalf of students.

Student Misconduct and Academic Dishonesty

Incidents of student misconduct and academic dishonesty are reported to Student Development for review and action according to the Institute Code of Conduct and other Institute policies.

The Institute Code of Conduct, edited and administered by the Department of Student Development, gives notice to the NYU-Poly community of prohibited behavior and outlines the procedures to be followed in the event of a breach of this code. This Code protects and promotes the academic enterprise and is indispensable in maintaining an academic environment conducive to teaching, learning and the development of individuals.

The Institute Code of Conduct is available to students and all members of the Polytechnic community at www.poly.edu/academics/code-of-conduct. For further information, contact Student Development at (718) 260-3800.