2014-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) 
    Jan 14, 2025  
2014-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Success, Advising and Tutoring Services

The mission of the Department of Academic Success is to enhance the likelihood of students successfully completing their studies at the School. To this end, academic support functions are integrated and delivered comprehensively and seamlessly.

To ensure students’ needs are addressed, NYU School of Engineering has coordinated services among all areas reporting to the Department of Academic Success and key offices overseen by the Division of Student Affairs. To meet the department’s mission, faculty are also involved in its activities.

The Department of Academic Success addresses a range of needs for first-year students from proper course placement to advisement and monitoring and to tutoring. In addition, referrals and advocacy are provided. The department oversees the following academic support offices and services: Freshman Programs, Academic Advisement Center (AAC), the General Studies (GS) Program, the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Special Services-TRIO Program and the Polytechnic Tutoring Center (PTC).

For more information about the department, visit http://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/support.

Freshman Programs

The School is committed to improving the persistence and performance of first-year students by helping them to acclimate to their academic discipline, its associative culture and student life. The office is the primary contact for first-year student issues and offers diverse and dynamic collaborative efforts with constituencies across the campus community. These partnerships provide a great sense of cohesion to the programs and services that meet the needs of first-year students. Programs and services offered include first-year advisement, early alert and academic probation initiatives, first-year instructors meetings and parent outreach. (See Section on “Programs and Services for the First-Year Students ” for an expanded description of the programs and services in this area.)

Academic Advisement Center

The mission of the Academic Advisement Center (AAC) is to provide centralized advising for all incoming, matriculated first-year students, empowering them to make informed decisions about their academic careers. The staff advises students on major requirements and School regulations and refers them to campus resources. In addition, academic advisers advocate for students with NYU School of Engineering offices and help students deal with issues affecting them. Students are assigned advisers in their major departments after the first year.

Students may make an appointment or drop in to see their adviser. Advisement sessions cover an array of topics, including major requirements, School regulations and life-skills development. The center refers students to campus resources for additional support and guidance in an effort to address any School related issues affecting them. In addition, academic advisers advocate for first-year students with the offices of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts and Admissions, as well as other offices.

In conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, the center assists with the review of first-year students’ progress to determine academic standing. Students on probation are directed to meet regularly with their advisers to discuss their situation and learn how to make improvements to return to good academic standing. All first-year, first-time probationary students must enroll in and attend SL 1020, Academic Skills Seminar.

For more information about the center, visit http://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/support/academic.

Office of Academic Affairs

The office reviews all undergraduate students’ progress each semester to determine academic standing. Decisions are made on eligibility for the Dean’s List, academic probation, disqualification and appeals of academic disqualifications. Notifications for all academic actions are e-mailed to students and their academic departments and School support offices.

This office also coordinates evaluations of transfer credits in cooperation with the Office of Admissions and academic departments. The Office of Academic Affairs also serves as liaison between the Office of Undergraduate Academics and undergraduate advisers to ensure uniformity of advising practices. The staff also assists the Dean with articulation agreements with other universities.

Office of Special Services - TRIO Program

TRIO is a series of federal programs designed to create educational opportunities for disadvantaged students, aimed at their successful progression through, and completion of, their postsecondary career. In terms of its categorization on the TRIO spectrum, NYU School of Engineering’s program is a Student Support Service Project, and is run through the Office of Special Services. The mission of the program is to provide high quality, holistic support services to first-generation college students, low-income students, and students with disabilities pursuing a baccalaureate degree at the NYU School of Engineering in order to help them persist and graduate from the University.

The services provided by the TRIO program are broad, personalized and are adapted and adjusted to meet students’ needs as they progress through the academic continuum. The services provided include:

Individualized Tutoring

The office staff assigns qualified upper-classmen to tutor students one-on-one in physics, math, biology, chemistry and computer science. Students meet weekly throughout the semester with an assigned tutor, who addresses their individual concerns about the course. Small-group review sessions in upper-level courses are also scheduled for students throughout the semester and a variety of study aids, instructional software and other resources are available to participating students.

Academic Counseling

Academic counseling is available to help students manage the academic challenges of university life. The office offers individualized study-skills advisement and workshops on various topics, including goal setting, time management and test taking. These academically related skills assist students in mastering the technical curriculum at NYU School of Engineering. The office also provides career guidance and testing, and arranges on-site visits and tours to help students explore opportunities when they graduate.

Social Integration Activities

The program schedules cultural and educational workshops, trips, and events throughout the academic year to help students acclimate to the university and develop peer support networks.

Financial Assistance

The program provides eligible students with financial assistance through grants and scholarships.

For more information about the Office of Special Services-TRIO Program, visit http://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/support/trio.

Polytechnic Tutoring Center (PTC)

Mission: The Polytechnic Tutoring Center (PTC) is committed to offering superior tutorial service in multiple first and second year subject areas by staying current with the best tutoring methodologies and technologies. We are dedicated to hiring and training well-qualified undergraduate peer tutors as well as professional writing consultants. The Polytechnic Tutoring Center maintains a caring, supportive, and encouraging academic support service to the NYU School of Engineering community. We measure ourselves by how all NYU students are prepared to excel. The Polytechnic Tutoring Center continues to engage in partnerships across the School to develop other tutoring strategies, including but not limited to group tutoring, mid-term and final reviews, study skills workshops, and workshops on various aspects of effective written and oral communication.

Vision: The Polytechnic Tutoring Center is committed to the overall academic excellence of the Polytechnic School of Engineering. The Polytechnic Tutoring Center enhances the academic experience of all students by partnering with committed faculty and well-trained peer and professional tutors to support students as they achieve academic success.

The Polytechnic Tutoring Center (PTC) offers a range of academic support services to all registered students. Tutoring is offered for the biology, chemistry, computer science and physics courses for first- and second-year students. Tutoring is provided on a drop-in basis as well as through exam-review sessions.

The PTC also includes the Writing Center, where students receive help with college-level writing, reading and speaking assignments and with English-language mastery. The Writing Center is open to NYU School of Engineering students at any level, from first-year undergraduates through doctoral candidates. Writing Center staff work with students individually and in small groups.

Tutors are carefully selected and trained. They include undergraduate peer tutors, graduate students and instructors. Tutors know their subjects well and understand where students may have difficulty. They are skilled at explaining material in a variety of ways for maximum comprehension. All students’ questions are respected; no question is too basic to ask. The PTC also helps students improve their learning skills in order to become more successful in college and throughout their careers.

PTC services are free of charge. For more information about the center, visit www.engineering.edu/tutoring.