2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) 
    Jan 02, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda)

CP-UY 2002G Experiential Learning Seminar

2 Credits

This course, which is required for all students undertaking an internship for credit at NYU’s study away sites, has two goals. First, it provides an opportunity for students to integrate their internship experience with relevant academic research and Argumentation. Second, the course helps students learn and enhance professional skills-including writing, communication, and presentation skills-needed for future work experiences and academic study.

As the academic component of the internship experience, this course helps students reflect critically on their internships as a way to further their individual academic and professional goals. This includes evaluating various aspects of the internship site, such as its mission, approach,policies, and the local, regional and international contexts in which it operates. Students will be challenged to think analytically about their internships and host organizations and to connect their internship experiences to past and present academic work. Students will be graded on the academic work produced in this course.

Corequisite(s): Internship placement in country at NYU Study Away location
Note: Separate sections assigned to each NYU Study Away location