2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) 
    Dec 14, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda)

CE-GY 7653 Wetland Design for Water Quality Improvement

3 Credits

This course will provide the fundamentals for understanding the criteria for identifying a jurisdictional wetland that include the hydrology, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydric soils. You will be able to differentiate between a jurisdictional wetland and treatment pond/wetland.  Emphasis will be placed on design experience working with a wetland mitigation project as well understanding the function of a natural wetland system. An in-depth background will be provided for hydrology leading to the development of a water budget/hydrograph. You will work with wetland design components that include the grading plan/microtopographic features; depth, duration, and timing of the site hydrology and water storage as well as the function of draw down. You will develop an understanding for wetlands for water quality improvement and can distinguish between wetland mitigation, restoration, and creation.




Weekly Lecture Hours: 3