Mar 10, 2025
2011-2013 Catalog (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MA 6023 Applied Matrix Theory II3 Credits linear algebra and matrix theory. Topics covered: Linear mappings, their range and null spaces, tensor product of transformations, determinants, eigenvalues, multiplicities, triangular form, nilpotence, Jordan form, inner products, inner product spaces, orthogonality, completeness Schwarz’s inequality, complete orthonormal sets, the projection theorem, linear functionals, selfadjoint transformations, polarization, positive transformations, isometries, change of orthonormal basis, characterization of spectra, the spectral theorem, normal transformations orthogonal transformations, functions of transformations, polar decomposition, commutativity. Applications for matrices and for differential equations.
Prerequisite(s): MA 6013 . Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0