2020-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2020-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Previous & PDF Bulletins

eBulletin archives are available in PDF below:

Please Note: These PDFs are provided for download and use when off-line. It is recommended that eBulletins be accessed from the drop-down menu on the top right of this page to be viewed in the intended web-format.

2011-2013 eCatalog PDF Archive (with addenda)  

2011-2013 eCatalog PDF Archive (without addenda)  


Previous academic bulletins are available in PDF format below:

2020-2022 Tandon School of Engineering Bulletin  

2018-2020 Tandon School of Engineering Bulletin   

2016-2018 Tandon School of Engineering Bulletin  

2014-2016 Polytechnic School of Engineering Bulletin  

2013-2014 Polytechnic Institute of New York University Catalog  

2013-2014 Polytechnic Institute of New York University Catalog with Mech E Changes  

2011-2013 Polytechnic Institute of New York University Catalog  

2009-2011 Polytechnic Institute of New York University Catalog   &  2009-2011 Catalog Supplement (PDF)  

2007-2009 Polytechnic University Catalog  

2005-2007 Polytechnic University Catalog  

2003-2005 Polytechnic University Catalog  

2001-2003 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1999-2001 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1993-1995 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1992-1994 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1988-1990 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1986-1988 Polytechnic University Catalog  

1983-1985 Polytechnic Institute of New York Catalog  

1981-1983 Polytechnic Institute of New York Catalog