2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) 
    Sep 25, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

A Brief Guide to Course Descriptions

Each program described in this catalog contains detailed descriptions of the courses offered within the program.

The first line gives the official course number for which students must register and the official course title. The letters indicate the discipline of the course and the first number of the official course numbers indicates the level of the course. The levels are as follows:

  • 1XXX - Freshman Level
  • 2XXX - Sophomore Level
  • 3XXX - Junior Level
  • 4XXX - Senior Level
  • 5XXX to 9XXX - Graduate level

Typically the last number of the course number indicates the number of credits. The breakdown of periods of the course is also listed.

When selecting a course for registration, the section of the course may include the following notations:

  • “LEC” - lecture section
  • “RCT” or “RC” - recitation section
  • “LAB” or “LB” - lab section

Additionally, any other letter or digit listed in the section will further identify the section and being liked to another section of the class with the same letter and/or digit combination. Further information on sections is available from academic advisers during registration periods.

The paragraph description briefly indicates the contents and coverage of the course. A detailed course syllabus may be available by request from the office of the offering department.

“Prerequisites” are courses (or their equivalents) that must be completed before registering for the described course. “Co-requisites” are courses taken concurrently with the described course.

The notation “Also listed…” indicates that the course is also given under the number shown. This means that two or more departments or programs sponsor the described course and that students may register under either number, usually the one representing the student’s major program. Classes are jointly delivered.


Biotechnology and Entreneurship

  • BTE-GY 9513 Project in Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship

    3 Credits
    This practical course offers students the opportunity to apply practically their knowledge and skills to analyzing technology, preparing their own business plans or working at an early stage biotech company. The student can sign up for up to three projects (one per semester).

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • BTE-GY 9523 Project in Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship

    3 Credits
    This practical course offers students the opportunity to apply practically their knowledge and skills to analyzing technology, preparing their own business plans or working at an early stage biotech company. The student can sign up for up to three projects (one per semester).

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0

Career Management

  • CP-GY 9911 Internship for MS I

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time graduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval.
  • CP-GY 9921 Internship for MS II

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time graduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval and CP-GY 9911 
  • CP-GY 9941 Internship for PhD I

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time graduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval
  • CP-GY 9951 Internship for PhD II

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time graduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval and CP-GY 9941 
  • CP-UY 2011 Internship for BS I

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time undergraduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval
  • CP-UY 2021 Internship for BS II

    1.5 Credits
    Internship is a supervised, creative experience that provides full-time undergraduate students with the opportunity to enhance and augment classroom learning experiences in their field of study. The experience culminates in written reports, from the student, to the faculty supervisors as well as written reports from the supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor’s approval and CP-UY 2011 

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

  • CBE-GY 902X Guided Studies in Chemical Engineering

    3 Credits
    These studies involve selections, analyses, solutions and presentations of engineering reports of problems in products, processes or equipment design, or other fields of chemical engineering practices under faculty supervision. Conferences are scheduled. Master’s-degree candidates are required to submit three unbound copies of their reports to advisers one week before the last day of classes.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
  • CBE-GY 997X MS Thesis in Chemical & Biological Engineering

    (9 credits total, 3 each) Credits
    Theses for the master’s degree in chemical engineering should give results of original investigation of problems in chemical engineering or the application of physical, chemical or other scientific principles to chemical engineering. Theses may involve experimental research, theoretical analyses or process designs, or combinations thereof. Master’s-degree candidates are required to submit four unbound copies to advisers before the seventh Wednesday before commencement.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
  • CBE-GY 999X PhD Dissertation in Chemical & Biological Engineering

    (45 credits total, each 3 credits) Credits
    Theses for the PhD degree must give results of independent investigations of problems in chemical engineering and may involve experimental or theoretical work. Theses must show ability to do creative work and must show that original contributions, worthy of publication in recognized journals, are made to chemical engineering. Candidates are required to take oral examinations on thesis subjects and related topics. Doctoral-degree candidates must submit five unbound thesis copies to advisers before or on the seventh Wednesday before commencement.

    Prerequisite(s): Passing grade for RE 9990 PhD Qualifying Exam, graduate standing, and dissertation advisor approval
  • CBE-GY 6153 Applied Mathematics in Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course covers mathematical formulation of chemical engineering problems in terms of ordinary and partial differential equations. Topics include solutions of boundary and initial value problems using Green’s functions and other techniques; characterization of second-order partial differential equations and properties of their solutions; asymptotic methods and numerical techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 2122  and MA-UY 2132  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-GY 6333 Transport Phenomena

    3 Credits
    The topics in this course include vector analysis review; diffusive fluxes; conservation equations for chemical species and thermal energy; boundary conditions; scaling and approximation techniques; solution methods for conduction and diffusion problems; transient unidirectional diffusion and conduction; momentum diffusion and viscous stress; conservation equation for momentum and the Navier-Stokes equations; unidirectional and lubrication flows; and low-Reynolds and high-Reynolds number flows.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3313  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-GY 6813 Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design

    3 Credits
    The topics in this course include trends and issues in modern reactor design; kinetics of complex homogenous and heterogeneous reactions: determination of nonlinear kinetic parameters, effects of transport processes, and catalyst deactivation; analysis and design of reactors; laminar flow reactors; dispersion model; split boundary condition problems; effects of non-ideal flow on conversion; and fixed-bed, fluidized-bed and multiphase reactors.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3223  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-GY 8813 Biochemical Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course covers biochemical and bioprocess engineering; enzyme kinetics; cellular control systems, genetic and protein engineering; metabolism, stoichiometry and metabolic engineering; cell growth kinetics; bioreactor design and operation; heat/mass transfer in biological system; and biological product purification and characterization.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3223  and CBE-UY 3233  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-GY 9413 Selected Topics in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering II

    3 Credits
    Topics of special interest in chemical and biomolecular engineering are announced in advance in each semester offering.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-GY 9910 Seminar in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    0 Credits
    Recent developments in chemical and biomolecular sciences and engineering are presented by engineers and scientists from industry and academia.

    Note: Four semesters are required for PhD candidates.

  • CBE-GY 9920 Seminar in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    0 Credits
    Recent developments in chemical and biomolecular sciences and engineering are presented by engineers and scientists from industry and academia.

    Note: Four semesters are required for PhD candidates.

  • CBE-UY 401X Special Topics in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    (variable) Credits
    Topics of special interest Topics of special interest in chemical and biomolecular engineering are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3313  or adviser’s approval.
  • CBE-UY 481X CBE Project

    (up to 4 credits) Credits
    Students and faculty supervisors select independent chemical and biomolecular engineering projects. Not open to honors or senior thesis students. (X = 1, 2, 3 or 4 and designates the number of credits.) May be repeated up to a maximum of 8 credits. 

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
  • CBE-UY 491X Bachelor’s Thesis in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    (up to 4 credits) Credits
    In this course, students plan original problem investigations in chemical and biomolecular engineering guided by a faculty supervisor. A thorough literature search is required. Special apparatus is constructed as required for experimental work. (X = 1, 2, 3 or 4 and designates the number of credits.) May be repeated up to a maximum of 8 credits. 

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
  • CBE-UY 1002 Introduction to Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    2 Credits
    This course introduces the chemical and biomolecular engineering profession, its history and its career potential. The course contains selected topics on basic chemical and biomolecular engineering and seminars covering the full range of chemical and biomolecular engineering profession from emerging areas to those found in more traditional positions.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1014  and EG-UY 1003 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 2124 Analysis of Chemical and Biomolecular Processes

    4 Credits
    This course prepares students to formulate and solve material and energy balances on chemical and biomolecular process systems and lays the foundation for subsequent courses in thermodynamics, unit operations, kinetics and process dynamics, and control. The course introduces the fundamental engineering approach to problem solving: breaking down a process into its components, establishing the relations between known and unknown process variables, assembling the information needed to solve for the unknowns and, finally, obtaining the solution using relevant computational methods.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1014  and MA-UY 1024 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 3153 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Thermodynamics

    3 Credits
    This course covers thermodynamics of flow systems. Topics include properties of fluids with advanced equations of state; properties of non-ideal mixtures; activity-coefficient models for non-electrolyte and electrolyte solutions; phase-equilibrium calculations at low and elevated pressures by computer procedures; and chemical reaction equilibria.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 2124  and CM-UY 2614 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 3223 Kinetics and Reactor Design

    3 Credits
    This course provides the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical and biomolecular reactions and the development of skills to analyze and design reactor systems. Typical topics include homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors of various types, catalyzed and non-catalyzed reactors, and the design of single and cascaded chemical and bio-reactors.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3153  and CBE-UY 3313 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 3233 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Separations

    3 Credits
    This course introduces processes for chemical and biomolecular separations. Topics include thermodynamics of separation processes, and the analysis and design of processes such as distillation, absorption, extraction and crystallization. Analytical and computer techniques are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3153  and CBE-UY 3313 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 3313 Transport I

    3 Credits
    This course establishes fundamental concepts in momentum and mass transfer and their applications in chemical and biomolecular systems. Topics in Momentum Transfer include macroscopic (integral) balances on finite control volumes of fluids (determination of inflow, outflow quantities), and microscopic (differential) balances on infinitesimal volumes of fluids (determination of fluid velocity profiles and pressure profiles). Topics in Mass Transfer include diffusion and convection with applications in separation processes and biomolecular systems.

    Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 2132  and CBE-UY 2124 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 3323 Transport II

    3 Credits
    This course expands understanding in mass transfer, establishes fundamental concepts in heat transfer, and introduces engineering aspects of transport. Topics in Mass Transfer include diffusion-limited reactions with applications in biomolecular systems, transport in porous media, and mass transfer across membranes with applications in chemical and biomolecular systems. Topics in Heat Transfer include the basic mechanisms of conduction and convection. Topics in engineering aspects of transport include flow in closed conduits, heat-transfer equipment, and examples of simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3313 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4113 Engineering Laboratory I

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the performance of experiments in unit operations, transport processes and unit processes. Students analyze and design experiments to meet stated objectives. Results are presented in written and oral form.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3233 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4143 Process Dynamics and Control

    3 Credits
    This course introduces system dynamics and process control. Dynamic models of chemical processes are developed. The design and tuning of feed-back and feed-forward controllers are discussed, and students are introduced to multiple input/multiple output systems and large system control issues.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3233 
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4163 Chemical and Biomolecular Process Design I

    3 Credits
    This course provides the skills to synthesize and design chemical and biomolecular processes with considerations of site and process selections, process economics, construction materials, data requirements and acquisition flow sheeting and subsystems. Students receive computer procedures and case studies to gain experience in process simulation and analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3223 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4173 Polymeric Materials

    3 Credits
    This course examines processing, structure, properties and applications of polymers as engineering materials, including renewable- resource based biopolymers. Topics include fundamentals of processing-morphology/ property correlations in materials, basic concepts of viscoelasticity, fracture behavior, and thermal and electrical properties of engineering polymeric materials.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 3223  and CBE-UY 3313 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4213 Engineering Laboratory II

    3 Credits
    This course deals with continued experiments in unit operations, transport processes and process control. Students analyze and design experiments to meet stated objectives. Results are presented in writing and orally.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 4113  and CBE-UY 4143 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4263 Chemical and Biomolecular Process Design II

    3 Credits
    This course provides the skills to optimally design industrial processes, synthesizing knowledge from previous chemical and biomolecular engineering courses. Students receive more advanced computer procedures and work on case studies to gain further experience in process simulation and analysis. Design projects are conducted in teams similar to those in industry.

    Prerequisite(s): CBE-UY 4163  and CBE-UY 4143 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CBE-UY 4954 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Internship

    4 Credits
    This internship is a supervised, creative engineering experience of at least two months’ duration, typically taken during the summer, culminating in written and oral reports presented to industrial and faculty supervisors. Faculty visitations and conferences during internships are arranged.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and adviser’s approval.


  • CM-GY 997X MS Thesis in Chemistry

    variable, 1-9 Credits
    This course requires original experimental or theoretical research, guided by a chemistry faculty member that may serve as basis for an MS degree. The minimum research registration requirements for the master’s thesis: 9 credits. Registration is required each semester consecutively until students complete adequate research projects and acceptable theses and have passed required oral examinations.

    Prerequisite(s): Advisor approval
  • CM-GY 998X Research in Materials Chemistry

    1-9 Credits
    Research course for PhD students prior to passing the qualifying exam.

    Note: Thesis research required

  • CM-GY 999X PhD Dissertation in Materials Chemistry

    36 credits minimum Credits
    This course requires original experimental or theoretical research, guided by a chemistry faculty member), that may serve as basis for a PhD. The minimum research registration requirement is 36 credits. Registration is required each semester consecutively until students complete adequate research projects and acceptable theses and have passed required oral examinations.

    Prerequisite(s): Passing grade for RE 9990 PhD Qualifying Exam
  • CM-GY 5021 Information Sources for the Chemical Sciences

    1.5 Credits
    This course is a hands-on introduction to methods and tools for searching and includes both electronic (CD-ROM and online) as well as print databases. Students may emphasize topics related to their research. Graduate students are required to take this course.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 5040 Chemical Laboratory Safety

    0 Credits
    This course discusses problems of health and safety in chemical laboratories, including how to work safely with dangerous chemicals. This course must be completed by graduate and undergraduate chemistry students before they begin laboratory research.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 6013 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers theories of bonding in inorganic compounds. It introduces group theory as applied to molecular orbital and ligand field theories. Also covered are spectra of inorganic compounds and non-aqueous solvent. The transition to metal chemistry is introduced.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 6153 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers special topics in Inorganic Chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7033 Quantum Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers quantum structures of atoms and molecules. It covers fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics, applications to atomic and molecular structures and bonding, approximation methods and Interactions of light and matter.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate physical chemistry and physics or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7043 Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

    3 Credits
    This course covers statistical mechanics for chemical systems. Also covered are ensembles, partition functions, thermodynamic functions, applications to various systems, including non-ideal gas, gas of diatomic molecules, polymer, surface phenomena, chemical equilibria, biophysics and reaction kinetics.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate physical chemistry and physics or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7103 Biophysical Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers structure and properties of important biological macromolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides; membranes and macromolecular complexes; applications of x-ray diffraction; NMR; vibrational and CD spectroscopy to the analysis of structure.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-GY 7043  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7503 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers special topics in Physical Chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7723 Synthesis of Macromolecules

    3 Credits
    This course covers organic aspects, including chemistry of monomer and polymer formation; modern mechanistic analyses of reactions; stereochemistry of polymer structures; forces of stereo regulation; condensation, free radical (bulk, suspension, emulsion, solution), ionic, ring-opening and non-classical polymerization reactions.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate organic chemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7813 Characterization of Macromolecules

    3 Credits
    This course covers characterization methods for linear-chain polymer and macromolecules in solution such as static and dynamic light scattering, osmometry, size exclusion chromatography and viscometry. Also covered are characterization methods for macromolecules in solid state such as crystallography and mechanical and thermal analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate physical chemistry or adviser approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 7853 Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers special topics in polymer chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8023 Principles of Spectroscopy

    3 Credits
    This course covers rotational, vibrational and electronic states of atoms and molecules. Also covered are the interaction of radiation with atoms and molecules; molecular symmetry; rotational and vibrational spectroscopy; and electronic spectroscopy.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate physical chemistry or adviser approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8073 Organic Spectroscopy

    3 Credits
    This course covers structure elucidation by joint applications of spectroscopic techniques such as proton and carbon-13 magnetic resonance, infrared and mass spectroscopy and other methods.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-GY 9033  or Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8103 Liquid Chromatography

    3 Credits
    This course covers the fundamentals of liquid chromatography. Also covered are partitioning; physical and chemical properties of packing materials; size exclusion chromatography; normal-phase and reversed-phase chromatography; hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography; hydrophobic interaction chromatography; ion-exchange chromatography; preparative chromatography; gradient elution; and method development.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8123 Mass Spectroscopy

    3 Credits
    This course covers isotopes and molecular masses; various ionization methods and mass analyzers; application to biomolecules in sequential analysis of nucleic acids, peptides, proteins; and analysis of phospholipids, polysaccharides and fatty acids.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8213 Bioanalytical Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers exciting new analytical methods in biochemistry and biotechnology, including atomic force microscopy, capillary electrophoresis, surface plasmon resonance and microarrays. The course is based directly on current scientific literature.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-GY 9413  or adviser’s approval.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8303 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

    3 Credits
    This course covers principles of NMR, including NMR spectrometers; spin decoupling; multi-pulse experiments; 2D NMR; and solid-state NMR.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8323 Microscopy

    3 Credits
    This course review of optics, including optical-microscope fundamentals; phase contrast microscopy; confocal microscopy; R and Raman microscopy; transmission and scanning electron microscopy; and atomic force microscopy.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate physics or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8503 Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8713 Guided Studies in Chemistry I

    3 Credits
    This is a special project (experimental, theoretical, computational or literature search).

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 8723 Guided Studies in Chemistry I

    3 Credits
    This is a special project (experimental, theoretical, computational or literature search).

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9033 Physical Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers molecular structure and bonding. Also covered are stereochemical and conformational principles; theories of bonding; physical parameters of stable and reactive molecular states; and applications in biochemistry and polymer chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate organic chemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9043 Synthetic Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers reactivity of molecules. Also covered are methods of mechanistic study of reaction pathways and important reactions of organic and organometallic chemistry. The course introduces synthesis and applications in living systems and in polymer reactions.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate organic chemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9053 Enzyme Catalysis in Organic Synthesis

    3 Credits
    This course provides students with a working knowledge of how to use biotransformations as a tool in organic chemistry. Students learn about general enzymatic reaction types that carry out the cleavage and formation of C-O bonds, P-O bonds, C-N bonds, C-C bonds, reduction reactions, oxidation reactions and isomerizations. In addition, students are taught about advanced principles currently being applied to the engineering of catalytic proteins.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9403 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers special Topics in Organic Chemistry

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9413 Biochemistry I

    3 Credits
    This course covers structure and function of biological macromolecules: proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides. Also covered are enzymatic kinetics, mechanism and control.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate biochemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9423 Biochemistry II

    3 Credits
    This course covers membrane structure and function and energy production, transformation and utilization. Also covered are the regulation of biochemical systems; the replication, transcription and translation of DNA; mutagenesis and carcinogenesis; and the Immune system.

    Prerequisite(s): undergraduate biochemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9433 Protein Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course introduces modern protein engineering techniques available to researchers to understand protein structure and function and to create entirely new proteins for a variety of purposes. This is a new field that lies on the interface of chemistry, biology and engineering. The first part of the course discusses protein composition and structure and various genetic, biochemical and chemical techniques required to engineer proteins—all followed by specific topics. Topics include designing proteins that are highly structured and active at high temperatures and in non-aqueous solvents; that selectively interact with other proteins, small molecules and nucleic acids for therapeutic purposes; and that catalyze new reactions.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-GY 9413  or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9443 Tissue Engineering

    3 Credits
    This course teaches: (1) basic biological processes that occur during blood contact with artificial surfaces, (2) critical review of the literature in the field of tissue engineering, (3) biocompatibility issues relevant to a variety of implant devices that the student may encounter in future endeavors and (4) current approaches directed toward the engineering of cell-based replacements for various tissue types.

    Prerequisite(s): undergraduate biochemistry or adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9453 Special Topics in Biochemistry

    3 Credits
    This course covers special topics in Biochemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9463 Recombinant DNA Technology

    3 Credits
    The course consists of lectures and demonstrations and covers practical aspects of recombinant DNA technology, including fundamental aspects of gene expression, restriction enzyme cleavage, plasmids, cloning, genetic transformation of bacteria, protein expression vectors, basic principles of protein purification and manipulation of cloned genes (site-directed mutagenesis).

    Prerequisite(s): CM-GY 9413  or instructor’s permission.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9710 Chemical Colloquium

    0 Credits
  • CM-GY 9731 Seminar in Chemistry I

    1.5 Credits
    This course covers chemical topics of current interest and is presented by participating students, staff and outside speakers.

    Note: One semester is required for MS chemistry students; three semesters required for PhD candidates.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9741 Seminar in Chemistry II

    1.5 Credits
    This course covers chemical topics of current interest and is presented by participating students, staff and outside speakers.

    Note: One semester is required for MS chemistry students; three semesters required for PhD candidates.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-GY 9751 Seminar in Chemistry III

    1.5 Credits
    This course covers chemical topics of current interest and is presented by participating students, staff and outside speakers.

    Note: One semester is required for MS chemistry students; three semesters required for PhD candidates.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1.5 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 471X Guided Studies in Chemistry

    As arranged Special project (experimental, theoretical, computational or literature search). Maximum 6 credits (including the credits of BMS 471X) count toward the degree requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Adviser’s approval; CM-GY 5040 , if project involves experiments, and either CM-UY 1004  or CM-UY 1014 .
  • CM-UY 1004 General Chemistry for Engineers

    4 Credits
    This is a one-semester introductory course in general chemistry. It covers chemical equations, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, gases, atomic and molecular structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, states of matter, chemical equilibrium, organic, inorganic and polymeric materials and electrochemistry.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 2 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • CM-UY 1014 General Chemistry I

    4 Credits
    This course covers chemical equations, chemical conservation laws, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, properties of gases, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding and molecular structure. The course is required for students in the Biomolecular Science Program.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 2 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • CM-UY 1024 General Chemistry II

    4 Credits
    This course covers states of matter, chemical thermodynamics and equilibria, kinetics, acid-base chemistry, electrochemistry, introduction to organic chemistry, natural and synthetic polymers. The course is required for students in the Biomolecular Science Program.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1004  or CM-UY 1014 . Corequisite(s):  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 2 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 1
  • CM-UY 1032 Chemistry, the Central Science

    2 Credits
    This is a one-semester overview course in chemistry, providing examples of important discoveries and important chemical innovators, with a strong emphasis on cutting-edge research. Field opportunities are developed to allow students to contribute to the discipline.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 1101 Numerical Methods for Chemistry

    1 Credits
    This is a one-semester introductory course in numerical methods needed for BMS and CM courses. Students learn spreadsheet calculation, chart displays, curve fitting and good lab-record keeping.

    Corequisite(s): CM-UY 1014 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2102 Molecular Modeling in Chemistry

    2 Credits
    This one-semester introductory course covers computer modeling of organic compounds. Students learn to use Chem Draw and Chem3D, standard applications in chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1101  and CM-UY 2213 ; Corequisite(s): CM-UY 2223 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2211 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

    1 Credits
    This Laboratory course teaches students how to prepare, isolate and purify typical organic compounds. Experiments illustrate basic techniques.

    Pre/Co-requisite: CM-UY 2213 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 0 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2213 Organic Chemistry I

    3 Credits
    This course covers chemistry of organic molecules: structure, nomenclature, properties and reactions of carbon compounds with emphasis on aliphatic compounds. It also introduces reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1004  or CM-UY 1024 . Corequisite(s):  
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2221 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

    1 Credits
    This laboratory stresses complex preparation, purification, characterization and identification of organic compounds by chemical and physical means. It introduces instrumental methods of analysis and identification.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2211 ; Pre/Co-requisite: CM-UY 2223 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 0 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistry II

    3 Credits
    This course continues CM-UY 2213  and emphasizes finding the principles of organic chemistry in industrial practice and biochemical mechanisms. It introduces instrumental methods of analysis and identification.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2213 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 2614 Physical Chemistry I

    4 Credits
    This course covers chemical thermodynamics with applications to solutions, phase and chemical equilibria. Molecular motion and transport properties are also covered.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 1004  or CM-UY 1024  and MA-UY 1124  or MA-UY 1154  and PH-UY 1013 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 3114 Inorganic Chemistry

    4 Credits
    This course covers atomic structures of elements as the basis for periodic classification. Also covered is descriptive chemistry of elements and their compounds and theories of chemical bonds. Coordination chemistry is introduced.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2614 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 3314 Biochemistry I

    4 Credits
    This course surveys modern biochemistry and emphasizes current areas of research. Also covered are structure-function relationships in proteins; enzymes and their mechanisms of action; bioenergetics principles and energy production; and biochemical theories and techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2213  and CM-UY 2614  or instructor’s permission.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 3324 Biochemistry II

    4 Credits
    This course continues Biochemistry I. It covers principles of intermediary metabolism: energetic membrane structure and transport; structure and function of DNA and RNA; principles of molecular biology; the immune system; and hormonal regulation and cancer.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 3314  or instructor’s permission.
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 3514 Analytical Chemistry

    4 Credits
    This course covers theories and applications of instrumentation techniques in modern analytical chemistry, including spectroscopy (UVVIS absorption, infrared absorption, fluorescence, Raman scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance), chromatography (gas, liquid) and other techniques (mass spectroscopy, electrophoresis). The accompanying laboratory part focuses on practical skills.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2614 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 3 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 3614 Physical Chemistry II

    4 Credits
    This course covers chemical kinetics and molecular structures and interactions and their relationship to the bulk properties of matter. The laboratory component introduces the experimental quantitative methods of analytical and physical chemistry, including volumetric, calorimetric and optical techniques. Also covered are computer analysis of data and report writing.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2614 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 2 | Weekly Lab Hours: 6 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 4011 Information Sources for the Chemical Sciences

    1 Credits
    This hands-on course introduces methods and tools for searching. It includes both electronic (CD-ROM and online) and print databases. Students may emphasize topics related to their research.

    Note: Required of all BS students in biomolecular science.

    Weekly Lecture Hours: 1 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 4314 Biomaterials

    4 Credits
    This course covers natural macromolecules, including polypeptides, polysaccharides, lignin, biodegradable polymers and special characterizations of these biopolymers.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 4414  or CM-UY 4413 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 4 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 4413 Polymer Science

    3 Credits
    This course provides a broad perspective of polymer science and its application in everyday life. The course has three major components: a survey of polymers, polymer synthesis and aspects of polymer physics.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 2213  and CM-UY 2614 .
    Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0
  • CM-UY 4914 Undergraduate Research in Chemistry

    4 Credits
    In this course, students conduct original investigations guided by staff members. Careful literature research is required before laboratory work starts. Continued reference to chemical literature is expected as well as active participation in conferences and seminars, both of which are scheduled as work progresses. A written BS Thesis is required. Full-time students are expected to register for 8 credits of thesis during senior year. A research (lab) fee is required.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 4011  and CM-GY 5040 .
  • CM-UY 4924 Undergraduate Research in Chemistry

    4 Credits
    In this course, students conduct original investigations guided by staff members. Careful literature research is required before laboratory work starts. Continued reference to chemical literature is expected as well as active participation in conferences and seminars, both of which are scheduled as work progresses. A written BS Thesis is required. Full-time students are expected to register for 8 credits of thesis during senior year. A research (lab) fee is required.

    Prerequisite(s): CM-UY 4011  and CM-GY 5040 .

Civil Engineering

  • CE-GY 875X Employer Focused Residency

    Up to 3 credits Credits
    In this course, students define a proposal for a project, the subject of which may be related to their employment. Students work one on- one with an adviser throughout the semester. There is no formal classroom work; however, students must update their adviser weekly. The project runs no longer than one semester. Students formally present their projects’ findings to invited guests at the end of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Exec 21 Program or permission of a Construction Management Program Director.
  • CE-GY 901X Readings in Civil Engineering

    Variable credit (1-3 credits) Credits
    This individual study of selected civil engineering literature is guided by a faculty adviser. Requirement: An acceptable written report or successful completion of an examination. Only one registration permitted, except with the permission of the department head.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s permission.
  • CE-GY 997X MS Thesis in Civil & Urban Engineering Department

    6 Credits
    This course is an original investigation or design in the student’s principal field of study prepared and closely supervised by a faculty adviser. Candidates must successfully defend theses orally. Registration for a minimum of 6 credits is required.

    Prerequisite(s): Degree status and thesis adviser’s approval.
  • CE-GY 998X Dissertation Level Research

    Var 3-6 credits Credits
    This course involves an independent, original investigation that demonstrates creativity and scholarship worthy of publication in a recognized engineering journal. Registration for a minimum of 6 credits is required before registering for CE-GY 999X . Registration for 3-6 credits per semester is permitted before the successful completion of the doctoral qualifying examinations.

    Prerequisite(s): Degree status and approval of the dissertation adviser.
  • CE-GY 999X PhD Dissertation in Civil & Urban Engineering

    Var 0.5-12 Credits Credits
    This independent, original investigation must demonstrate creativity and scholarship worthy of publication in a recognized engineering journal. Candidates must successfully defend dissertations orally. Registration for a minimum of 15 credits is required before the defense. Registration must be continuous (excluding summer semesters), unless a formal leave of absence is requested and approved. Registration for 3 to12 credits per semester is permitted. In the final semester, registration for 0.5 credits is permitted with department head approval.

    Prerequisite(s): CE 9998, passing grade for RE 9990 PhD Qualifying Exam, graduate standing, and dissertation advisor approval

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